Universiteit Leiden

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Sharing insights about paths and careers as philosophy graduates

Last month, Symposion, the study association for Philosophy students, organised this year's student-alumni career event. Four alumni joined the event to share their stories and insights. The alumni panel was held for all BA and MA students of Philosophy, in this thesis-writing and graduation-approaching spring, to share and hear insights about paths and careers as philosophy graduates.

The event was coordinated and moderated by their Assessor Education, and hosting four Leiden University Philosophy Alumni: Liisa Janssens, Scientist Emerging Disruptive Technologies and Jurist at TNO; Charlotte Arnoldy, Investigative Journalist; Milan Verbrugge, Communications and Storytelling at TU Delft; and Robin Bongers-Karmaoui, Docent and Councilor. 

Philosophy is a path that gives much

Here, we share some insights from the philosophy sphere inspired by the panel...
Philosophy is a path that gives much, from the ability to read the most difficult works and knowing how to critically unpack and understand them, to evaluate information and thinking analytically, adaptively, and multi-dimensionally, to having timeless and empowering perspectives that will always be precious to tap into in any prospect or intellectual project or endeavor.
Most importantly, and most ever-lastingly, what cultivation of philosophical thought gifts is a foundation of intelligent thought that persists, accompanies and compliments various endeavors of life, and transcends the limits of academia, job title, and time-contingent business and societal needs.

We thank all of these four warm, inspiring, and brilliant personalities for coming back to the classroom and having a conversation and sharing reflections and food for thought (the philosopher's sport) with us. It was a real pleasure

The 2023/24 board of Symposion consists of president Minke van Dijk, secretary Lotte van Abbema, treasurer Arno Vos, assessor intern Zep Postma, assessor extern Irene Altavilla, assessor education Chiara Trauttmansdorff Weinsberg. Irene Altavilla wrote this report and took the photographs.

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