Universiteit Leiden

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University elections: these are the student parties you can vote for

The university elections are coming up. Sustainability, inclusion, student well-being: what do you think should get more attention? From 22 to 25 April you can vote for who represents you as a student on the University Council and your faculty council. Read on to find out more about the six student parties.

Both the university’s students and its staff are represented in its participation bodies. The University Council monitors the Executive Board, offers advice and helps decide on important issues. The faculty councils are a sounding board for the faculty boards and have the right to consent and advise on all kinds of faculty matters.

If you are enrolled as a student at Leiden University on the date of the elections, you can vote for the University Council and your faculty council. Not all parties have candidates for each faculty council. See the election website to find out who you can vote for at your faculty.

Sami Kaldoun Katkhouda


Leader Democratic Students Party The Hague: Sami Kaldoun Katkhouda

DSP stands for 1 University, in 2 cities, with no double standards. We value the quality of your education and well-being, but we also know that access and opportunities are not equal across faculties, campuses and student backgrounds. We were the first to ensure direct representation of international students in the University Council and have given Campus The Hague a seat at the table. We believe in no discussion about students, without students, and are not afraid to be a critical voice for change. Whether this is about cutting ties with the fossil fuel industry or being a voice for students impacted by war. You should feel welcome at campus, your opinions heard, and discrimination not tolerated. Together with student party SC, we are here to reclaim your voice in the university. Vote DSP-SC

Website DSP - The Hague
Instagram DSP - The Hague

Ebrar Kaya

Leader Students' Collective: Ebrar Kaya

Ready to ignite change? Welcome to Students’ Collective (SC), where we’re not just a group, but a movement. With a mission to decolonise, decarbonise, and democratise, we’re rewriting the narrative of student empowerment.

Picture this: a university where ties with the fossil fuel industry are cut, where wage discrimination against students is a thing of the past and where every student has access to study spaces and university buildings. This is the vision we’re pursuing, and we’re not doing it alone. Teaming up with the Democratic Students Party (DSP), as the list DSP-SC, we’re challenging the status quo.

Join us in reshaping Leiden University and reclaiming our place in society. Check out our manifesto for a full list of our demands and let's make history together!

Instagram StudentenCollectief
Linktree StudentenCollectief

Friso Croon

Ondernemende Studenten Leiden (ONS)

Leader: Friso Croon

We at ONS are committed to active students and creating a sustainable university. We believe in more than studying alone: we believe in the way Leiden’s associations enrich our unique student town. Our focus is on the extracurricular growth of all students. We look critically at university policy and are committed to making Leiden University more sustainable. Our aim is an inclusive university where the well-being of students and staff is a priority. Choose change, choose growth, choose sustainability. Vote for ONS!

Instagram ONS

Lijst Vooruitstrevende Studenten (LVS)

Leader: Albert Taal

LVS is the party for all students. For students in both Leiden and The Hague, we stand for inclusion, well-being and keeping a critical eye on our university. We look further than lecture halls alone and want the university to provide not only education but also a welcoming environment. We call for better communication between the university and its students, a greater focus on student mentors and student support services, a strong digitisation policy, better sustainability and, above all, stronger links between international students and Dutch students. Vote for LVS this election and make your voice heard within the University!

Website LVS
Instagram LVS

Femke Spaargaren

Partij voor Bèta en Medische Studenten (PBMS)

Leader: Femke Spaargaren

PBMS gives the LUMC and the Faculty of Science a vote at the university and faculty level, and successfully so! As the largest party, we were able to accomplish a lot last year. For example, we made registering for courses easier and ensured the need to reconfirm exams was scrapped. We have also put the affordability of USC on the agenda and stand for students who are active beyond their studies, as entrepreneurs or athletes, for instance. You can’t make big changes at the university alone. From study advisers and faculties to student and student associations: PBMS talks to various groups and is involved in everything that is going on. We are at all levels of education, are constructive and our door is always open for new ideas and initiatives.

Instagram PBMS

Liberale Studenten Partij (LSP)

Leader: Bas Knapp

Instagram LSP

They explain to you why student and staff participation is important

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