Judi Mesman third distinguished professor at Leiden University
The Executive Board has appointed Judi Mesman as Leiden University professor. This makes her the third to give shape to Leiden University's strategic professorship, a unique role that allows professors to take the lead on the key strategic themes within the university.
Distinguished professor (universiteitshoogleraar) is a special position at Dutch universities that is held by leading professors. Leiden University has its own interpretation of this position: Leiden’s distinguished professors will focus on one or more themes and will help define their remit. They thus help implement the university’s strategic plan. In addition, they have the task of promoting interdisciplinary cooperation.
Judi Mesman on her appointment: 'A very nice opportunity to connect the University even more with society and to invest in equality and reciprocity in partnerships.'

Social Responsibility and Impact
Judi Mesman will hold the University Chair in Social Responsibility and Impact (Maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid en impact), a theme that has been central to her research and teaching for many years. Her work is characterized by intensive collaboration with social partners and translation of science into practice and society. The focus of her work is on issues of social justice.
One example is Mesman's recent research into the experiences of people of color in leadership positions in the Netherlands. The public report on this research will be presented on March 26. She is also active in the Children of the City program (Kinderen van de Stad) at The Hague Campus, a project in which Leiden University works with partners in The Hague to do something for the city's young generation. In September, her team will start the minor ‘The (un)just society' in which the interaction between theory and practice is central.
Special appointment
Mesman is affiliated with both the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and works closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Humanities. The primary focus of her appointment as Leiden University Professor - 0.4 fte for 5 years - will be in the SSH domain where the need to connect with society and the importance of multi-voicedness is prominent.