Throwback to the Archaeology End of Year Event 2023
Another year's end draws near. And what a year it has been! On December 12th staff and students of the Faculty of Archaeology came together to celebrate and reminisce. Professor Joanita Vroom got us in a festive mood by telling tales of Byzantine banquets, while a chef served historical dishes to sample.
Triumphs and tragedies
Dean Jan Kolen kicked off the event, reflecting back on 2023. He took us back to the high points: the impressive work done on the education of our students and several important grants that were awarded. But he also reminisced about the tragedies, like the loss of our dear colleague David Fontijn.

A thank you to Joanne Mol
Dr Joanne Mol, after having served the Faculty for nine years as Director of Education, will be succeeded by Dr Roos van Oosten. Joanne was lauded by Vice-Dean Alexander Geurds for her grit and determination in fulfilling this important, yet complicated, role.
Byzantine banquets
Then it was time for the main menu. Professor Joanita Vroom invited the audience into the world of Byzantine feasting. These grand occasions were in essence a display of the Emperor’s sovereignty, even on the level of the culinary performance and display of food.

Tasting history
As the lecture wetted everyone's appetite, it was finally time to let the audience taste history. The audience attending the lecture were invited to participate in a small experiment by tasting three different appetizers that were re-created from historical recipes exclusively for this festive occasion.

Time for the drinks
Aside from the regular Faculty Drinks, a special place was reserved for a tasting of alternative beverages that could be served during events. The tasting, organised by Roos van Oosten, focused on high-end teas, both cold and warm. A survey among the tasters gave a clear favourite: Opéra Blue tea, served warm in a champagne glass.
Who knows, it might be served in a Faculty event soon.

New Inter-Section and Analecta
During the drinks the attendees were also invited to take a look at the most recent publication in the Inter-Section series. The Inter-Section special, titled How Materials Shaped the Human World, featured articles by Archaeology students who wrote publication-worty papers and theses. At the same table Karsten Lambers presented the most recent Analecta on Digital Archaeology.