Life Science & Technology among best studies by Elseviers Weekblad
The MSc Life Science & Technology receives a bronze medal in EW Best Studies 2023. Every year, Elsevier selects the top programmes in higher education. A medal means that students are above-average satisfied with the quality of their programme.
A programme is awarded a medal if it scores significantly better on at least five components than the average of other programmes within a sector. Three years at the top earns gold, two years silver and one year bronze. Life Science & Technology is one of 184 study programmes to receive a bronze medal this year.
Students satisfied with the programme
The scores were calculated based on the results of the National Student Survey 2023. In this survey, students rate various aspects of their study programme. They assess not only the content of the lectures and the quality of the lecturers, but also the provision of information from the study programme, the facilities and the atmosphere. The medals are thus awarded on the basis of students' opinions.
Good connection to the labour market
Life Science & Technology scores highest in the categories ‘general satisfaction’, ‘content and structure’, ‘choosing study again’, ‘atmosphere’ and ‘connection to professional practice’. Something to be proud of. Programme director Lies Bouwman is therefore very happy with the recognition: ‘We make a conscious effort to link our education to recent developments in the labour market.’