Jeroen Touwen joins Campus The Hague Board
Jeroen Touwen officially joined the Campus The Hague Board on 28 November. Together with Jan Crijns, he has been responsible for the education portfolio since September.
Touwen is no stranger to Leiden University. An economic historian, he focuses on the history of energy and institutions in the 20th century. He has been Vice Dean of bachelor’s programmes at the Faculty of Humanities since January 2020. ‘I see Campus The Hague Board as a challenging new role that fits my board experience and desire to keep processes and activities running smoothly.’
On the Campus The Hague Board, Touwen is responsible for the education portfolio, together with Jan Crijns. ‘In the education portfolio it is important that the different programmes in The Hague coordinate with one another’, says Touwen. ‘We are also seeing that new educational initiatives are increasingly interdisciplinary. This often means that several faculties are involved. In the “old” university, faculties almost always had their own building or buildings, but in The Hague we share locations, which makes coordination necessary in various areas: room reservations, exam facilities and security, for example.’
Touwen looks forward to taking charge of new initiatives.