In 450 days... 450 years of Leiden University
In exactly 450 days’ time, on 8 February 2025, it is the university’s 450th anniversary. We are obviously going to celebrate this with our students, staff and friends. Do you have any ideas for this celebration?
One of our great traditions is to celebrate our anniversary every five years. For our 450th anniversary in 2025 we hope to strengthen the ties between our students, staff and friends, in Leiden and The Hague. The celebrations will provide them with an opportunity to make new connections and reignite old ones, both within and outside the university community. And we will not only look back on 450 years of history, but also look ahead to the next 450 years.
Help us with the anniversary programme
The anniversary celebrations will be for and by our university community, so all ideas are welcome. How would you like us to mark our 450th anniversary? Do you have any suggestions for activities? Or do you have something you would like to celebrate with us in 2025? Would you like to help plan the celebrations? Contact the SCM Directorate at 450@leidenuniv.nl
Top 450
In the run-up to the anniversary, we are compiling our top 450: 450 people will have the chance to share their favourite thing about the university. The top450.universiteitleiden.nl website is a collection of who or what from Leiden University’s rich history inspires, moves or is an example to us. This can be anything: famous words, a special place, an important discovery, someone who stands out from the crowd or just a really interesting object. Everyone can share their favourites. Which one is yours?