Jayshri Ramadhin wins Moot Court Challenge Cup
This was the twelfth occasion that the Moot Court Challenge Cup has been awarded! This time for the best oral argument at the Moot Court held in the spring of academic year 2022-2023.

Jayshri Ramadhin’s oral argument came out on top, dealing with the case 'De Enschedese verhuizing'.
Tom Schoute of Wolters Kluwer, and Clementine Breedveld-de Voogd, Director of Moot Court, presented the cup to Jayshri Ramadhin on 11 November, for her outstanding performance. Also present were her Moot Court lecturer, Dylan Bertsch, and her video trainer for Moot Court, Karlijn van der Poel.
The Challenge Cup is made available by Wolters Kluwer. It comes with a prize of €250 to spend on textbooks.