Bart Barendregt vice-dean of Research
From 1 January 2024, the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences will gain a new board member: Prof. Bart Barendregt has been appointed vice-dean of Research. This is a new role on FSW's board.
The faculty board aims to develop a more proactive and integrated research policy, with a special focus on interdisciplinary initiatives.
Dean Paul Wouters: "Research is obviously an important focus of our faculty. Strengthening the board with a vice-dean for research makes it possible to develop more initiatives and better support our researchers. And with Bart Barendregt, the faculty has a very experienced and broadly oriented researcher and teacher, who knows how to build bridges between all disciplines. A great asset to the faculty board!"
Bart Barendregt is Professor of Anthropology of Digital Diversity at Leiden University's Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology and was until recently Scientific Director of the institute.
The vice-dean of research is responsible for the organisation, integration, coordination and quality assurance of the faculty's scientific research. Furthermore, as part of his new role, Bart will be responsible for the faculty Graduate School and chair of the faculty Standing Committee on Research (also science committee).

Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl: With Bart's arrival, FSW, like some other faculties, now has a vice-dean of research. I am very happy that Bart, with his experience as a researcher and administrator, will apply himself to the faculty and the university. I look forward to our cooperation!”
In this focus role, Bart, as an experienced administrator, will help us as a university with the administrative and societal challenges of the coming years. In doing so, he will be of great added value to us all as an interdisciplinary connector. We are very pleased with his appointment.
Barendregt: "I look forward to working with the researchers in our various institutes and those who support them on a daily basis, especially also within our joint Graduate School. I see myself as a connector, eager to share enthusiastically and curiously what drives other scientists. Social Sciences must enter society and speak out about the major challenges of our time, now more than ever. In doing so, open, interdisciplinary and well-communicated science are vital for all of us. In the coming months, therefore, I will especially keep my ear to the ground and discuss with colleagues how we can bring our beautiful, exciting and relevant research to the attention of a wider audience."
The Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences warmly welcomes Bart into this new role.