GTGC lunch seminars on climate and human rights
Climate and human rights will again become major issues on the world stage by the end of 2023. The new series of lunch seminars by the interdisciplinary research programme Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) seamlessly tie into these events. All Leiden researchers and students are welcome to join the sessions.
Next autumn, the world is going to face critical times. For instance, at the UN Climate Summit in November, an answer must be found to an elephant in the international meeting room: who will pay for climate change? And in December, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is 75 years old - what is the state of human rights protection? These pressing questions will also be addressed during the new GTGC lunch seminar series, including sessions in which researchers with a GTGC-seed grant will present their project. Register here!
Here’s an overview of the first sessions:

Monday September 25, 12.00 – 13.00
Building Northern Public Support to Finance Climate Policies in the Global South
In the Paris Agreement, countries worldwide agreed to financially support developing countries in adapting to climate change through a Green Climate Fund. But several countries have so far failed to honour their commitment. How can the Global North be persuaded to pull out the purse strings for the Global South? That’s the central question of this GTGC seed grant project.
Monday October 9, 12.00 – 13.00
Human Rights for Governing Digital Platforms
On Monday October 9, a seed grant project will be presented on digital platforms and human rights. The rise of digital platforms has been huge, and there has been much debate about their pros and cons. Platforms connect many people globally, but can also, among other things, ensure the growth of power of large corporations. Can human rights be a good starting point for regulating digital platforms?
Monday November 6, 12.00 – 13.00
Non-Liberal States and Global Governance
On Monday November 6, we will focus on another new seed grant researching international organisations and the role of non-liberal states within these bodies. In what way are international organisations influenced by changing positions of members like China and Russia?
Location of all seminars: 4.78 Wijnhaven
Registration: gtgc@leidenuniv.nl
Full programme of GTGC lunch seminars Fall 2023
About the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges research programme
Ongoing global developments have created new challenges for our societies. Take, for example, the need for coordinated international approaches to pandemics, global warming and migration; or the importance of benefiting from new technologies while also tackling their potential negative effects. Leiden University’s Global Transformations and Governance Challenges interdisciplinary research programme explores how we can address these global transformations in democratic, effective, fair, peaceful and sustainable ways.