The success of the Thesis Workshop final meeting
The final meeting which took place on Wednesday 6 September marked the end of the third cohort of master students’ time participating in the The Hague Southwest Thesis Workshop. During this last meeting, master students presented their research results to residents and stakeholders from The Hague Southwest.

This time, the presentations were held at BLOCK 33 in Moerwijk, run by local entrepreneur and neighbourhood coordinator Asefeh Eskandari. After a few words of welcome by Mandy Koenraads (Coordinator Thesis Workshop), stakeholders could take a seat at the discussion table of the student of their choice. The students had created video pitches (in Dutch) which were circulated prior to the event on 6 September so stakeholders could choose which topic interested them most. Apart from listening to the students' presentations, there was an opportunity for stakeholders and local residents to interact with each other. Creating a sense of community and mutual interest is very important for the future of The Hague Southwest.
Percy van Poelgeest, Head of the Roemer Visscher College in The Hague, was present as a Moerwijk stakeholder: 'Initiatives such as the Thesis Workshop and neighbourhood court show that our strength lies in working together.' Percy believes that it is very important that the results of the master students are used to continue exploring what future education should look like in The Hague South-West.
Next year promises to be another busy one for the Thesis Workshop. New courses will be taking part in the workshop and there is already a list of new topics waiting to be researched. There will also be an exhibition of TU Delft students on display in the Atrium in The Hague from 15 January 2024.
Are you interested in finding out more about the work of the Thesis Workshop? Please check out our website (in Dutch) or contact us at m.schalk@fgga.leidenuniv.nl.