Too late for your lecture? That’s a thing of the past with the new Kwartiertje pass
Being on time for a lecture can be hard for students. To make life easier, you can now request for a ‘Kwartiertje’ pass.
For years, the ‘Leids Kwartiertje’ was an unwritten rule: lectures or tutorials started 15 minutes later than scheduled. But lecturers have become more strict about being on time and students are often banned from entering the lecture hall if they are late. To help students out, the University is launching a new initiative: the ‘Kwartiertje’.
The ‘Kwartiertje’ is a pass that, as the Dutch (kwartiertje means a quarter of an hour) suggests, gives you permission to arrive at your lecture or tutorial up to 15 minutes after it starts. The University wants to encourage you to come to your lectures or tutorials, even if you are a bit late.
Before making the ‘Kwartiertje’ widely available, the University wants to do a pilot. Only the first thousand students to request a ‘Kwartiertje’ will receive one. So be quick!
April fools! Thank you for all 900 applications. See you next year!