Presentations on Child Law master's theses to Ministry of Justice and Security
On Tuesday 10 January 2023, former master’s students in Child Law – Fien Bouwmeester, Renee Muller, Imaani Stegeman, Demi Onclin and Rosa Passchier – held presentations on their master’s theses at the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.
The topics presented were gender registration, the role of the courts in access disputes, and youth protection systems in other countries. These were discussed and presented with great enthusiasm by alumni from the master's in Child Law (a Dutch-taught degree). Many government officials were present to listen to these presentations, from among others the Central Authority for International Child Affairs, the Child Protection Council, and the Legislative and Legal Affairs Directorate.
It proved to be an interesting and inspiring afternoon, in which current issues from the perspective of child law were highlighted by alumni from the master’s in Child Law. It was a wonderful way to share the knowledge amassed by these former students with staff from the Ministry of Justice and Security and discuss it with each other.