Psychology Awards 2022
Psychology teacher of the year is Roy de Kleijn. The Master Thesis Awards are for Roosmarijn Goldbach en Matija Čuljak. Jeffrey Durieux receives the PhD Publication Prize; Maedeh Nasri the PhD Wild card: Team Science Award. Wilma van Velzen earns the OBP Prize and Jos Brosschot wins the Leiden Psychology Blog Award. Congratulations!
Science director Andrea Evers welcomes the Psychology students and colleagues to the FSW café. It's allowed again, a chat and a drink by the Christmas tree. The winners of the psychology awards are beaming.
Supervisor Anne Krause next to Roosmarijn Goldbach, winner of the Master Thesis Award 2022 -
Anna van Duijvenvoorde and Anne Miers, Berna Berna Güroglu in the middle -
Supervisor Carolien Rieffe, PhD student Maedeh Nasri, winner PhD Wild card: Team Science Award, and Yung-Ting Tsou, supervisor -
Andrea Evers talks to Jos Brosschot, winner of the Leiden Psychology Blog Award 2022, and Serge Rombouts

Education Prize
Roy de Kleijn
Student member of the MOC Arzo Zadrandeclares Roy de Kleijn the convincing winner of the Psychology Teaching Award 2022: 'We have chosen him from all these excellent nominees, as he offers creative and innovative education. He has put artificial intelligence on the map within the psychology course and has trained a team of relatively new lecturers to deliver new courses and improve existing courses to an incredible standard. He is also easily approachable, contagiously enthusiastic and incredibly passionate about his work.'
Master Thesis Award for the one-year master’s programe
Roosmarijn Goldbach for her thesis Childhood Emotional Maltreatment, Aspects of Emotion Regulation and the Intrapsychic Symptoms and Behavioral Expressions of Borderline Personality Disorder.
Member of the jury Roy de Kleijn: 'In the thesis, Roosmarijn establishes a useful distinction between intrapsychic symptoms and behavioral expressions of BPD, hopefully preventing misdiagnosis in clinical practice. The jury found her thesis to be of exceptional quality, very clearly written, and recognizes its relevance for both clinicians and researchers. Her supervisor Anne Krause awarded the thesis with a 9.5, and it is currently being prepared for publication with Roosmarijn as first author.'
Master Thesis Award for the two-year reseach master’s programme
Matija Čuljak for his thesis Effect of daylight saving time measured as impulse response in smartphone behavior supervised by Arko Ghosh.
Member of the jury Roy de Kleijn: 'The thesis underscores how careful quantification and modeling of common smartphone interactions can help unravel the fundamental processes underlying day-to- day human behavior. The jury was particularly impressed by Matija’s “beautiful use of methods”, using creative dimensionalty reduction, and the readability of the thesis regardless of their familiarity with the topic and tools used.'

Publication Award
Jeffrey Durieux (Methods & Statistics): 'Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis (C-ICA): using fMRI resting state networks to cluster subjects and find neurofunctional subtypes'
Member of the jury Anna van Duijvenvoorde: 'This paper eloquently describes the development of a new method for analyzing resting state data that has a wide potential range of applications. The paper is well written, uses nice visualizations, is of high scientific quality and makes a substantial contribution to the field.'
Tom Wilderjans, supervisor: 'The article grew out of his thesis project when he was a student in the M&S master's programme. Jeffrey had a lot of work on it, because several revisions and reviewers asked him to add all kinds of extra things. That's why the paper became so long.'
Wild card: Team Science Award
Maedeh Nasri (MSc in Computer Science): A Novel Data-Driven Approach to Examine Children’s Movements and Social Behaviour in Schoolyard Environments
Member of the jury Anna van Duijvenvoorde: 'Maedeh has the goal to implement her knowledge on to school boards, professionals, and researchers. She evaluates factors that make schoolyards socially inclusive, by examining social networks on schoolyards by using a novel sensor data-driven approach.' A few citations from the jury comments:
Maedeh showed a clear integration of many disciplines and shows she is the 'glue' between these fields. High on societal relevance.
Truly interdisciplinary, by combining disciplines a new measure was developed which yielded important insights for different fields.
The project 'Breaking the Cycle' : by NWO and Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD (Big, Open and Linked Data) Cities.

OBP Prize
Wilma van Velzen
Member of the jury Serge Rombouts: Wilma is staff member Student Affairs in the Institute Office who has shown continuous commitment not only in her regular work, but ..
- who has shown continuous effort not only in her regular work;
- who is always willing to jump in where needed;
- who assists in any social or practical needs that her direct colleagues may have;
- who has proven to be an excellent and life-saving emergency responder;
- and has done all this, and much more, for about 16 years.
Leiden Psychology Blog Award
Jos Brosschot: Stress? It's safety, silly!
Lotte van Dillen, winner of the Leiden Psychology Blog Award 2021 presents the award to her successor. 'Jos has by far the most unique views with his blog on stress.' It is actually the second part of a series. Jos' short but powerful comment with the blog award in his hand: 'just read my blogs.'