Universiteit Leiden

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Career Café Leiden Law School

Are you still not sure what direction you want to take within the field of law? Would you like to hear more about career opportunities and meet professionals in an informal setting? Or do you have specific questions for one of our alumni?

On Tuesday 29 November from 17.00–18.30, Leiden Law School will host a Career Café in the KOG’s Global Lounge. The ‘coaches’ work, among other places, at Leiden City Council, a software company for lawyers, the Postcode Lottery, and in the legal profession. You can fire away with all your questions for these experienced alumni while enjoying a drink. There’s limited space, so make sure you register on time here.

The alumni you can speak to are:

Hélène Jonker, International Law, Partner at Legal Crossing

Angela de Boer, Forensic Criminology, Information Coordinator at Care and Security House Haaglanden

Eelkje van Beusekom, Civil Law, Senior Environment and Planning Permits at Leiden Municipality

Jacqueline Moolenaar, Criminal Law, self-employed lawyer specialised in criminal and family law

Duco Wildeboer, Civil Law, Senior Regulator at Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)

Martijn van Klaveren, Intellectual Property Law, Director of Communication and Stakeholder Engagement at Novamedia/Postcode Loterij Groep

Ronald van den Bos, Civil Law, insolvency practitioner at Robos luris

Remco van der Horst, Air and Space Law & Civil Law, Partnership Director at Gigastore

Martijn Maathuis, Civil Law, Senior Editor Practical Law at Thomson Reuters 


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