In Memoriam: Stephen Haigh (1957-2022)
With the passing of Stephen Haigh on 9 September 2022, Leiden University's Institute of Political Science has lost a dedicated and inspiring instructor.
It was with great sadness that we learned of the sudden death of our colleague Dr. Stephen Haigh. Earlier this year, Stephen was diagnosed with cancer and he received treatment over the summer. Stephen knew that the low point of pain was still ahead and he was suffering from severe side effects. On Friday 9 September 2022 he took his own life.
A dedicated an appreciated teacher
Stephen—or Steve as his colleagues and students knew him—taught in the International Relations and Organisations and Masters programmes at the Institute, in The Hague. He will be remembered as a very dedicated and appreciated teacher, always generous with his time when it came to his students.

Steve was a highly professional teacher and a valued and helpful colleague, constructive and kind in his communication. For Steve, it was always about his students and doing what is fair or best for them. Being well-traveled—he taught in the US, Canada, New Zealand, and the Netherlands—Steve always had interesting anecdotes when it came to teaching and supervising students in different contexts. He was curious about the teaching and research interests and experiences of other colleagues, and would regularly follow up to ask for references and advice.
Steve will surely be missed by all the students he taught and/or supervised and by his colleagues at Leiden University. Even more so, he will be missed by his family and friends. Our thoughts are also with them and we wish them all the strength they need to find a way to live with this major loss. Steve has left us, but remains in our thoughts and memories.
Nicolas Blarel, director of Master Studies, On behalf of the Board of the Institute of Political Sciences