'The effect of the online world on adolescents'
How do digital technologies affect adolescent mental health and resilience? How do we foster a secure online environment? How should we deal with increasing rates of online crimes among adolescents? During the mini-symposium ‘The effect of the online world on adolescents’, presented by the interdisciplinary programme Social Resilience & Security, we dive into the online world of adolescents from an academic as well as a societal perspective. The 1-hour online session is part of the ESOF2022 conference and takes place on Thursday 14 July at 11:15h.
Understanding the online world of adolescents
It is estimated that 97% of Dutch adolescents (aged between 12-24 years) frequently use at least one social media platform (e.g., WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Snapchat). While the online world allows adolescents to connect with peers it also entails online crimes and other forms of online undesirable behaviour. In 2019, three out of every ten adolescents reported engaging in what they considered to be online transgressive behaviour. As such, a greater understanding of online (transgressive) behavior is urgently needed.
Previous research into online (transgressive) behaviour has been fragmented. Depending on its type and context, it is studied in law, public administration, pedagogy, psychology, and criminology. One of the aims of the interdisciplinary focus area, a consortium representing a total of five Leiden University faculties, is to integrate insights from these different fields into a cross-disciplinary framework of online (transgressive) behaviour.
Learn, discuss and cross the borders of scientific research
The current mini-symposium will provide a state-of-the-art overview of research on online safety and resilience for youth from an academic and societal perspective. (Inter)national experts with a background in psychology, philosophy, and law will present the latest insights and will be joined by experts from cognitive neuroscience and pedagogy for a follow-up panel discussion with the audience. In three 10-minute presentations, the speakers will address the topics of online versus offline norms, how digital technologies affect adolescent psychological well-being and mental health, and children’s right to protection against exploitation in the digital world. The panel will also zoom in on both risks and protective factors for engaging in online transgressions as offender, and on the role of these factors in online victimization.
Stakeholders, colleagues, peers and students interested in the programme are invited to follow the mini-symposium online via the premium virtual conference platform of ESOF2022. Join the session and learn about online behavior and resilience from a variety of perspectives, take part in the discussion and cross the borders of scientific research.
Speakers and panel members
- Dr. Amy Orben, College Research Fellow at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Dr. Jan Sleutels, Philosophy of Mind and Media Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Prof. Ton Liefaard, UNICEF CHair in Children’s rights, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Prof. Eveline Crone, Developmental Neuroscience in Society, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands (panel discussion leader)
- Prof. Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Brain, Safety, and Resilience, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Who is invited?
Stakeholders, colleagues, peers, students and perhaps even family and friends of the Social Resilience & Security programme are invited to attend the mini-symposium. By inviting our broad network, we aim start the dialogue about ground-breaking research from a variety of perspectives. With the mini-symposium, we create an engaged science community with the end goal to contribute to a resilient society – the overarching theme of ESOF2022.
How to register?
If you read this, you are invited by the Social Resilience & Security programme, and you automatically receive a 20% discount off the regular rates (onsite and online, excl student and artist rate).
Register and get 20% off with voucher code: SP34K3RS2022
Full programme of ESOF2022
EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF - is Europe’s biggest multidisciplinary and prestigious scientific conference. ESOF2022 will take place from 13-16 July 2022 and is hosted by Leiden as the European City of Science (in The Netherlands).
Onsite and online delegates will have access to a diverse scientific and networking programme of over 120 sessions; 6 pre-conference workshops; 2 plenary sessions; 7 keynote speakers, one for each the seven tracks; 80 poster presentations; special sessions organised by the regional Katowice site; an exhibition; two award ceremonies; five sponsored sessions; multiple satellite events; as well as the opening and closing ceremonies.
The full conference programme can be found here.
Why attend ESOF2022
ESOF2022 presents an outstanding science, future driven, and fully hybrid conference for all delegates and invitees. What to expect:
- 500 speakers in 120 scientific sessions from 60 countries;
- 7 high quality keynote speakers and
- 2 plenaries with renowned panel members;
- Exhibition in a 900-hundred-year-old Pieterskerk incl 70 poster presentations;
- High-level sponsored sessions, numerous workshops and fieldtrips;
- A special World Programme;
- A link to our regional site Katowice on 15 July;
- Social networking events like the opening ceremony in the Stadsgehoorzaal (Main Stage) of Leiden and the informal delegate party in the Hortus Botanicus and much more to attend during ESOF2022.