Lecture series: The Dutch crisis management system
Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on the Dutch crisis management system? Leiden University is organising a unique lecture series on the subject in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV). The lectures will take place on 22 April, 13 May, and 3 June.

Lector Crisis Management Menno van Duin and Professor Crisis Management and National Safety Peter Bos will discuss the most important structures, chains, administrative networks and instantaneous coordination structures. They will delve into their own experiences with Dutch crisis management during three consecutive lectures. For instance, the tram attack in Utrecht, the MH17 crash, and the corona crisis.
Collaboration between Leiden University and NIPV
The lecture series marks the start of a more intensive collaboration between both knowledge institutes in the field of research and education. The aim is to collaborate on education and research and to offer PhD positions and internships. For students of the Bachelor Security Studies and the Master Crisis & Security Management, this is a unique opportunity to learn more about the ins and outs of the Dutch landscape on crisis management. Policy officers and other interested employees from the Ministry of Justice and Security are also invited to attend. This will allow for an interesting mix of attending students and professionals. It is also the reason why the lectures will be held in Dutch. The lectures can also be attended individually
Lecture 1. The Dutch crisis management system: learning from practice
22 April 15:00 – 17:00 hrs. Room 2.02 Wijnhaven building, Campus The Hague
The Dutch crisis management system will be the topic of the first lecture. The system will be discussed in terms of centralised and decentralised supervision, functional and general chains, and administrative networks. Prof. dr. Peter Bos will discuss his experiences of the fire in Moerdijk and the tram attack in Utrecht as part of his previous position of Director Public Health of the GGD region of Utrecht.
Lecture 2 Crises and mini-crises: recurring dilemmas for administrators
13 May 15:00 – 17:00 hrs. Room 2.02 Wijnhaven building, Campus The Hague
Lector Crisis Management Dr. Menno van Duin will discuss his experiences in dealing with crises and mini-crises. He will focus on the recurring dilemmas and threads in a series of approximately 140 (mini) crises as seen from an administrative perspective. A modest case such as the collapse of the dug-out in Twijzel or the Zaanse vlogger can be equally instructive as a more well-known crisis such as the missing case of Anne Faber or the MH-17 crash. Which role should administrators take? Who is in charge? Which organisational or communications dilemmas keep popping up in the various (mini) crises?
Lecture 3. Evaluation and the road forward
3 June 15:00 – 17:00 hrs. Room 2.02 Wijnhaven building, Campus The Hague
What lessons have been learned from the recent years in crisis management and in particular Covid-19? In the last lecture, we will look towards the future with a panel of experts based on the report Evaluatie Wet op de Veiligheidsregio’s and the report on the corona crisis strategy by the Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid. Experts who, together with Prof. dr. Peter Bos and Dr. Menno van Duin, have been closely involved with these research projects will take place in the panel and reflect on the lessons learned. How is the system portrayed in the reports? What could be improved and which choices have been made with regards to the continued development of the system?
Registration for the lecture series via this link.