Comenius Senior Fellow grants for three Leiden lecturers
Three lecturers from Leiden University have been awarded a 100,000-euro Comenius Teaching Fellowship within the scope of the Senior Fellows programme. The grant will enable them and their project teams to carry out their own teaching innovation project.
The Comenius Senior Fellow grants can be used to fund innovation projects with a duration of two years. The recipients also evaluate the effect of the innovation project and its implementation. The project leaders become fellows of the national Comenius Network. The teams share their experiences and innovations so that others can also use them to improve higher education.
Alexander Sramek, Radiologist LUMC
Senior Fellowship Project: Preparing for the job market (of the future)
Most medical students want to work in a hospital in the future, when there is actually a shortage of doctors outside hospitals. This is because too little attention is paid to career opportunities outside hospitals during students’ training. One reason for this is that not enough internships are available. To solve this problem, Sramek and his team want to develop digital internships as an alternative to in-person ones. The students will (almost) feel as though they are on an in-person internship. The learning materials developed will be made available so that all students can choose digital internships if in-person internships are not possible, because of coronavirus for instance.
Joni Reef, Assistant Professor of Criminology
Senior Fellowship Project: Transformative learning behind bars
Society hardens and dehumanises, says Reef. An inclusive academic community is a prerequisite for progressive research and teaching. In this project, Reef and her colleagues will take students from Leiden Law School to prison so that they can learn about criminal law and criminology in a unique way, together with prisoners. In this transformative learning project, Reef and her team will use innovative methods to forge connections between different people and will develop an understanding of diverse perspectives. The goal is empowerment and a sense of purpose in detainees, as well as better preparation for social justice responsibilities in the lawyers and criminologists of the future. Read a more detailed article about the project here (in Dutch).
Paz Gonzalez, lecturer at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Senior Fellowship Project: A path to collaborative learning in humanities: a student journal
Creating a multidisciplinary student journal at the faculty level will fill two educational gaps in the humanities: the lack of collaborative learning and the lack of publication opportunities for students. The collaborative learning environment will enhance the development of teamwork skills. In addition, access to academic publishing opportunities is a way for students to gain experience of project management and professional teamwork. The skills acquired are transferable to any teamwork environment. In this project, students will learn communication skills and team interaction. They will also learn how to participate in the publication process at an academic level.
The Comenius programme
The Comenius programme, an innovation programme for research universities and universities of applied sciences, enables lecturers to put their educational vision into practice. Every year, it facilitates a wide range of educational innovations. With this programme, the government wants to show that it values excellent and inspired teaching. There are three different types of grant.
Teaching FellowsThis programme is intended primarily (but not exclusively) for beginning educational innovators.
Senior Fellows
This programme is intended for senior educational innovators.
Leadership Fellows
This programme is intended for educational innovators who are leaders.
- More information on applying for a Comenius grant.
- Save the date: on 8 June from 15:00 to 17:00 there will be an information session on applying for a Comenius grant. Contact Anna Terra Verhage if you’d like to receive an invitation for this session.
- Questions? Mail Anna Terra Verhage, Strategic and Academic Affairs.