Dutch knowledge institutions suspend partnerships with Russia and Belarus
The Russian military assault on Ukraine has profoundly shocked knowledge institutions in the Netherlands, as represented by Universities of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Dutch Research Council, the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres and The Young Academy. This is a direct assault on liberty and democracy, which are the fundamental values undergirding academic freedom and cooperation. Dutch knowledge institutions remain fully committed to providing help to Ukrainian students and staff.
The universities, university medical centers, universities of applied sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Dutch Research Council have decided to suspend all formal and institutional partnerships with educational and knowledge institutions in the Russian Federation and Belarus immediately until further notice. They do this in response to the urgent appeal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The knowledge community in the Netherlands supports this appeal, whilst also lamenting the consequences that it will entail for education and research. Research flourishes through international cooperation and the open exchange of knowledge, insights and ideas. This is why we are not limiting ourselves to implementing this decision, but are also supporting Russian and Belarusian researchers, teaching staff, students and organisations that have spoken out against the invasion of Ukraine.
For more information, visit the website of NWO.
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