A new Strategic Plan: what is the emphasis at FSW?
The new university Strategic Plan Innovating and Connecting 2022-2027 was presented during the Dies Natalis on 8 February 2022. Colleagues and students from our faculty also made contributions, inspired by the vision and strategy process underway in our faculty since 2019.
The strengthening and ongoing development of a diverse and inclusive knowledge community is at the core of FSW. (Paul Wouters)
With the participation of as many students and staff members as possible, we are formulating the vision and mission for the faculty. With special attention to how we want to do this with appropriate deployment of people and resources. Now that the university plan is in place, we will start working with renewed energy on the faculty translation.
Based on six ambitions and our core values, the Strategic Plan gives direction to the choices we will make together in the coming years. In the faculty vision and strategy process, we will elaborate these with the top priority of reducing the workload of our staff. This means that we will make choices that do justice to the interaction between workload, well-being, leadership, social safety, diversity and inclusion and Recognition and Rewards.
In the Strategic Plan, the university as a knowledge community is at the centre. In it, students and staff work together to contribute knowledge and insights to changes in society.
In the faculty plan, we elaborate on this for the faculty knowledge community, which we want to make solid and supportive, contributing to the social science challenges facing our society.
Read the Strategic Plan Innovating and Connecting and participate in the consultation rounds for the faculty Vision and Strategy Plan.