Podcast: Prosocial Behaviour and Exclusion
In this episode we talk with Mara van der Meulen about prosocial behaviour and social exclusion in children. Van der Meulen also explores the role of genetics and environment in the development of social behaviour. To find out more about her research on why some children are beter able to develop their social skills, be sure to listen to episode 5 of the Leiden Psychology Podcast!
Leiden Psychology Podcast
This podcast series is a special project within the department of Psychology at Leiden University. It gives a platform for people to discuss topics within the field of psychology from different perspectives; the perspective of students, of university staff, alumni, and different researchers. Listen to Mara van der Meulen talking about prosocial behaviour and social exclusion in children, in the latest episode.
Mara van der Meulen
Looking at social skills on the individual level, Van der Meulen is trying to find out why some have more difficulty with social interaction that others. Additionally, the twin-design of the study helps her to understand whether these differences in social skills are genetically or environmentally determined. This episode about Mara van der Meulen's research on the complexity of social skills development will be available on Tuesday, Februari 1.