3472 students filled in the National Student Survey
As many as 3,472 students from the Faculty of Humanities have filled in the National Student Survey (NSE) in the spring of 2021. This represents a 46% response rate, which is considerably higher than previous years. The results will help study programmes and the faculty to work on what is going well and on the areas that require extra attention. See the results per programme.
Great satisfaction, especially about lecturers
The results of the NSE 2021 show satisfied to very satisfied students across a wide range of themes. This is an encouragement for everyone, given that the NSE 2021 was conducted in the midst of the COVID pandemic. The results of the Faculty of Humanities compare favourably to the university average in almost all areas. Such as the excellent lecturers, about whom students are very positive. In addition, humanities students are very positive about the content of the study programmes, the commitment of lecturers, and contact within the programmes. The faculty has also received high scores on the development of general and academic skills.
Points of attention, including career preparation
But of course there are also points of attention. On average, the Faculty of Humanities scores relatively low on the theme of 'career preparation', for instance. Satisfaction with the theme of 'distance education’ is slightly higher, but this subject too requires attention.
What does the faculty do in the area of career preparation?
The Humanities Career Service and the study programmes already carry out many activities in the area of labour market preparation. These include meetings with alumni and other representatives from the field that can give you a good idea of working after your studies. In the past four years, more than 20 study programmes have participated in a university project to make labour market preparation more visible.
Most of these programmes score higher on the theme ‘career’. A recent example of educational innovation aimed at preparing students for the labour market is the magazine LEAP, in which master's students publish their academic articles. Through this link between education and research, students are better prepared for an academic career. Experience with preparing students for the labour market in education are used within the faculty to improve other study programmes within the faculty in this respect.
In addition, the faculty is developing practical courses in which third-year bachelor students learn to relate their acquired knowledge and skills to the practice of various potential work environments. These practical courses have already been introduced in the International Studies, Urban Studies and Japan Studies programmes. The plan is to also introduce them in other programmes.
Since November 2020, the faculty has been working together with Randstad: Randstad shares its expertise on the labour market with both students and lecturers and mediates in the search for a suitable (part-time) job.
Would you like to know what sectors and jobs humanities alumni end up in? Read about the labour market research among humanities alumni who graduated in the period 2016-2019 and read various stories from the alumni themselves.
Visit Baan na je studie (Dutch)
What is the faculty doing in the field of distance learning?
The teachers have now mastered even more facets of online and hybrid education, supported by ECOLe with digital tools and help with online testing. In addition, many teaching rooms are now technically equipped for hybrid education. The faculty collects good experiences with online education from and for teachers, so that distance learning, where necessary or desired, can continue to be used optimally in the future.
See the results
See the faculty results of the NSE 2021. Select the study programme tab to see the results of your programme.
Want to get involved?
In what ways do you want to be prepared for the labour market? How can the faculty or programmes improve online or hybrid education? If you would like to discuss these matters, please contact the programme committee of your study programme, or send an e-mail to the assessor, Ebrar Kaya, at assessor@hum.leidenuniv.nl.