CLAIRE wins prestigious Artificial Intelligence prize
AI networks CLAIRE and ELLIS have jointly won the prestigious German Artificial Intelligence prize. The WELT newspaper awarded the prize, worth 100,000 euros, last week in Berlin. The AI Prize is an innovation award for pioneering achievements in AI research and development.
'We are delighted that our vision and work for European excellence in AI has been so prominently recognised. It is also great that we can share this important award with our colleagues from ELLIS, many of whom are also affiliated with CLAIRE,' says Professor Holger Hoos from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and chair of CLAIRE. CLAIRE stands for Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe and ELLIS is the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, both are important network organisations in the field of artificial intelligence.
'Only together can we can face competition'
WELT is awarding the prize to both organisations to promote cooperation as it is good for the AI landscape. 'Together we are not only stronger, but I also believe that Europe can only survive global competition in AI through a joint, well-orchestrated effort by the large and diverse AI ecosystem.' says Holger Hoos.
Read the full CLAIRE press release here.
The German AI Prize (Deutscher KI-Preis) is awarded by WELT, one of Germany's most widely read newspapers. It is one of the biggest prizes of its kind in Europe. With this prize, WELT wants to contribute to the strengthening of Germany and Europe as a technology location.