Universiteit Leiden

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Start of new academic year: from home desk to lecture room

August 2021, the new academic year is in sight! Hopefully most of you are already enjoying a well-deserved vacation. Perhaps the most well-deserved vacation ever. The past year and a half has demanded a lot of flexibility and perseverance from you.

The fact that you found the motivation to study day in day out – in sometimes only 12m2 space – is truly commendable. Fortunately, as things currently stand, this will change in the coming academic year.

This article is the first article of the series 'From desk chair to lecture bench'. The coming weeks we will look back on the past academic year together with you, we will share your experiences with studying at home and we will share tips and stories to start the upcoming academic year with new inspiration!

Starting in September, your alarm clock will most likely ring an hour earlier and you will have to replace your sweatpants with jeans again. These are probably the things you're not really looking forward to... The fact that the 'lawa' (Dutch abbreviation for long walk) will be replaced by the route from your home to the KOG and the Nespresso coffee machine by the delicious coffee from the Legal Café may already sound more appealing. But of course, what most of us are really looking forward to is the physical education. Taking lectures in the Lorentzzaal, discussing in working groups, but most of all: being together with fellow students. 

The faculty looks forward to welcoming you back on location more often. We can imagine that you still have many questions about what the academic year will look like after the vacations. The university is currently working on a clear and concise plan for this. Always keep an eye on the website and, starting Thursday 19 August, on the newsletter for all updates!

Let us know

But before that happens, now is the time for vacation. Time to relax and recover. However, the vacations are always a good time to look back at the past year and to set new goals for the coming academic year. We are therefore very curious to know what you liked about studying at home and what you are looking forward to when the lectures start again physically.

Let us know via the poll on our Instagram (@leidenlaw) on Tuesday, August 3! Next week's article will be all about your findings!

Text: Sanne van Hees

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