Unique: two times assessor
Joost Barendse has been reappointed assessor for the coming year. This means that Joost will represent the students of our faculty for another year. What does he think about this and what are his plans? Three questions to our previous and future assessor.
How did you experience this corona year?
‘Like almost everybody I spent most of this year behind my laptop in my small student room. But despite that, I have experienced the assessor function as very instructive and interesting, that is why I am happy to continue my function as assessor for another year.’

Two years in a row is unique; what do you think of that?
‘I expect that next year will bring new challenges. Hopefully I can meet all the new people I have met online this year, also physically next year. That is why I am happy to continue as assessor of our faculty for another year. The other members of the faculty board also realise that this has been a special year and they would like to give me the chance to physically experience the assessor year.'
What do you want to achieve in the coming year?
‘I would still like to improve the area of student participation. Most Education Committees (OC) have one student in the OC per year. Because student numbers have more than doubled in the past ten years, it is increasingly difficult for OC members to represent all students. Therefore, I am in favour of yearly representations for all year levels of our programmes. The year representatives can then regularly provide the OC member with the necessary input, which makes it possible for the OC to function more effectively.’