Healthy University Leiden: keeping up the momentum
Healthy University Leiden held its ‘From #COVID to #GOFIT Week’ from 21 to 25 June. Over 600 students and staff found inspiration in a week full of tips and tricks on how to get fit after Covid. So what now? We‘ve compiled a list of tips and activities specially for you. Take a look and enjoy!
- Do the FREE bike check at werk. On Tuesday 6 July from 10.00 to 17.00, Healthy University Leiden is bringing a bicycle repair man to the university. He’ll give your bike a free check-up. Click here for the details and to register (Leiden University staff only). The repair man already visited the LUMC on 22 June and that was a roaring success.
- How do you take good care of yourself? Are you trying to keep all the balls in the air? During From #COVID to #GOFIT Week psychologist and trainer Ymke Dorrepaal (PSION) gave an interesting webinar about this. Want to find out how to keep all the balls in the air – or perhaps how to drop them instead? Missed the webinar? Watch it here (in Dutch).
- The Flexible Mind offered Mindful Walking last week. Adding simple mindfulness exercises to an activity like walking is an easy, fun and surprisingly effective way to relax your body, calm your mind and reduce stress. Listen to the sessions here (NL + ENG).
- Hortus Botanicus Leiden is opening on Wednesday evenings (18.00-21.00). With Covid, walking has become more popular than ever. Now the Hortus can finally reopen, its staff invite you to a summer evening walk. Enjoy the gardens in the evening atmosphere and take part in green and healthy activities (e.g. yoga or meditation).
- The Centre of Innovation is offering students and staff from the university and the LUMC a mindfulness podcast: A Very Mindful Podcast. This free podcast consists of episodes focusing on mindfulness theory and episodes introducing a set of mindfulness exercises.
- Physical exercise is important for our health but so too is mental exercise. Choose the New Heroes module from HRM Learning and Development that you need to keep working on your personal and professional development or to increase your mental resilience.
If you have any ideas about how to stay healthy, mail Mieke Cabout, our Healthy University coordinator : f.j.cabout@bb.leidenuniv.nl. And check the Healthy University dossier to find out all about our autumn activities.