Start Faculty Strategic Plan Working groups
The aim is to involve as many faculty colleagues as possible in the development of the new Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP). So after several stakeholder meetings and information gathering, the ball is now in the court of four working groups with a variety of members. They will carry out a SWOT analysis concerning Education, Research, Impact and the Organisation. A kick off with the four working groups took place on Thursday, 11 March.
Four working groups carry out four SWOT analyses
Key data, strategic developments, input from internal and external stakeholders and various reports are available in Teams to the twenty-eight members who participate in the working groups. The working group members, some are students, others PhD candidates, a programme chair or a lecturer, are diverse in age, m/f, background, expertise and position. The four SWOT analyses concerning Education, Research, Impact and the Organisation are carried out following a step-by-step plan in which the internal world (strengths and weaknesses) is compared with the outside world (opportunities and threats). Strategic issues are then identified on the basis of the SWOT analyses.

Involving faculty staff and partners
The aim is to create a Faculty Strategic Plan that is supported as widely as possible. After the consultation about the mission and vision, internal and external stakeholders from outside the faculty and university were therefore asked for their opinions on our faculty. Currently, the broad faculty is properly represented in the working groups. During the next steps in the process, the faculty will again be involved and consulted. The roadmap outlines these steps towards a Faculty Strategic Plan.
The development of the FSP
In the autumn of 2020, the Steering Committee started the development of the new Faculty Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026. The first step was to draw up a mission and vision for our faculty. In early January, input was collected via various bodies and departments. Subsequently, the Steering Committee set to work to draw up a mission and vision with as many shared elements as possible. Once this (proposed) mission and vision is ready, it will be shared with the entire faculty via the staff website. The four working groups are currently working on a SWOT analysis concerning Education, Research, Impact and Organisation.
The development of our FSP is aligned as closely as possible with (the simultaneous development of) the University Strategic Plan.
Read more about the development of the Faculty Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026 here.