Student section of University Council more fragmented
In the University elections in April, the eight student seats on the University Council have gone to six parties, and newcomers the Liberal Student Party and the Party for Biomedical Students have each won one seat.
The results
- Leiden Entrepreneurial Students (ONS Leiden): 2 (-1)
- Progressive Students List (LVS): 1 (-1)
- Leiden Christian Student Group (CSL): 2 (--)
- The Democratic Students Party (DSP The Hague): 1 (--)
- Liberal Student Party (LSP): 1 (new)
- Party for Biomedical Students (PvBS): 1 (new)

Established parties remain
The lasting impression of the elections for the student section of the University Council is the same as with the national elections: increasing fragmentation. At the University elections, this was at the expense of established parties ONS and LVS – although the two have still managed to secure a foothold in the Council. ONS and the traditional CSL even won two seats.
DSP The Hague first stood for election last year, and this was the first year for LSP and PvBS. Each of the three has won one seat for the next academic year.
The fragmentation will force the parties in the student section of the University Council to work together intensively.
PvBS is unique in the sense that it is a one-man show. This meant no preferential votes for other party members, and enabled its leader, Maarten Wille, to win an unparalleled 10% of the total votes, and about three-quarters of the votes from students from the Faculty of Medicine.
At 21.5%, the turnout for the University Council elections was somewhat higher than last year (18%) but lower than 2017 (23.6%). Almost 30,000 students could vote.

University elections
Elections were held throughout the University, for all the faculty councils and staff committees. At some faculties, these were only for students (Archaeology, Governance and Global Affairs, Science and Medicine/LUMC), whereas at others they were for students and staff (Humanities, Social Sciences and Law). In addition, Administration and Central Services, the ICT Shared Service Centre and Student and Educational Affairs have new staff committees.
At a number of University sections, elections were called but not held because the number of candidates was equal to or less than the number of seats. These were ICLON, Africa Studies Centre Leiden, the Real Estate Directorate, University Libraries Leiden and the University Services Department.
Text: Corine Hendriks
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