University elections: ONS is again the biggest student party, FNV Government represents staff
Once again the ONS student party (Enterprising Leiden Students) is the biggest party in the university elections. This gives the party three seats in the University Council. The staff are represented in the UR by FNV Government, with 5 seats.
Staff at the university were able to choose between two parties for their representatives in the University Council: FNV Government and PhDoc. FNV Government received 67 percent of the votes, giving them five seats in the Council. The Universitair Belang party that had two seats last year, were not represented this year.
View the exact results for the staff representatives in the University Council
The students had a lot more choice: four parties, one of which was taking part for the first time (DSP The Hague). As in previous years, ONS is the biggest party, with 41.3% of the votes, which gives the party three seats in the University Council. ONS is still the biggest party but had to surrender two seats in comparison with last year. Lijst Vooruitstrevende Studenten (LVS) was the second party with 25.7%, closely followed by CSL (23.1%). Both parties now have two seats in the Council, which means a gain for CSL over last year. Newcomer DSP The Hague managed to win almost 10% of the votes, plucking one of the seats previously held by ONS.
View the exact results for the student representatives in the University Council.
Among staff the turnout this year was 23.4%, slightly lower than the previous elections two years ago. The turnout for students was also lower, with 18% voting this year compared to 23.6% last year.
Faculty Councils
As well as the University Council, students were also able to vote for their representatives in the Faculty Councils and the LUMC Student Council. These results will be announced by the faculties.