Universiteit Leiden

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LeidenMUN's astonishing success at Oxford

LeidenMUN is proud to announce its Delegation has risen above all expectations. The Oxford International MUN Conference directors have awarded seven of our twelve Delegates with awards ranging from a Honourable Mention to Best Delegate of their committee. We note with great pleasure that all our award-winning delegates are first-time MUN’ers.

Winning delegates

Vigorous interviews braced our new delegates for the preparation track, which lasted two months and trained them to speech, lobby and participate to the fullest in the diplomatic debate that is Model United Nations. The board, consisting of Anas Milly (President & third-year student at LUC), Isabelle van Rossum (Treasurer and Acquisition Officer), Leslie Vijn (Secretary & second-year student at LUC), Rajiv Daryanani (Delegate Trainer and Activities Officer & third-year student at LUC) and Jorick van Erp (Head Delegate and Activities Officer) and their delegates have put hours of work and effort into the preparation. Our delegates won the following awards representing South Africa and Azerbaijan during the OxIMUN conference:

  • Floris Rijssenbeek won a Best Delegate Award in the International Labour Organization
  • Rosalie Bunnik won a Best Delegate Award in the UNCTAD committee
  • Lena Vogel won a Best Delegate Award in the Security Council
  • Terrence Jansen earned an Honourable Mention Award in the ECOFIN committee
  • Lilit Zeltsburg earned an Honourable Mention Award in the SPECPOL committee
  • Paul Buckley earned an Honourable Mention Award in UNESCO
  • Erik Post earned an Honourable Mention Award in DISEC

LeidenMUN Delegates that also performed amazingly well were:

  • Taymur representing South Africa UNODC
  • David Jagtman representing South Africa in SOCHUM
  • Laura Kuiper also representing South Africa in the Legal Committee
  • Rick Timmermans representing the Judge on the ICJ
  • Maurits Elen representing the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Serik Akhmetov in the Cabinet Crises

Having visited London, partied in Oxford’s Varsity Club, having gone to the Masquerade reception and ending the conference weekend as a truly marvelous group of friends, the Board of the Leiden MUN foundation would like to end by quoting the distinctive South African Desmund Tutu: “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

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