- Location
Sylviusweg 72
2333 BE Leiden - Telephone
- 071 527 5000
Monday to Friday: 07.00 - 20.00 hrs
Saturday and Sunday: closed
Wheelchair-accessible parking
Two parking spaces at the entrance of the building
Location on the city map
- The route to the entrance is paved and level.
- There is a gentle ramp of about 20 metres
- There is an automatic sliding door
- The passage is about 150 cm wide.
Immediately to the left of the entrance, after about 5 metres.
071 - 527 5000.
Wheelchair-accessible toilets
After the reception, go straight on for about 15 metres. Toilet is then located in the corridor on the left. Room number 0.300c.
After the reception about 15 metres straight ahead. The lifts are located on the right-hand side.
Possible obstacles
- Before the entrance are 10 steps, each about 5 cm high.
- Not all glass doors and walls are marked.
Visitors can park in Ehrenfest parking garage (Ehrenfestweg 1).
Employees with parking season tickets can park in the car park under the Gorlaeus Building (Wassenaarseweg 76).