Universiteit Leiden

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Internships and research in the Netherlands

How can you find an internship or research project and what arrangements do you need to make?

Information from your faculty/study programme

Under your faculty or study programme tab you can read more about how to find and arrange an internship or research project.

Information sessions

Information sessions on finding and arranging internships and research projects take place on a regular basis. See the agenda for the latest dates.

Be well prepared

Before starting an internship or research project, always conclude clear agreements and record them in writing in an internship agreement. Also check your position in terms of intellectual property rights (IPR).


If you have any questions, contact your internship or research project coordinator.

Internships during the Master Public Administration

Internships give master’s students the opportunity to work in an organisation within the field of Public Administration, such as a government organisation, a consultancy firm or an NGO. Students can use the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their study programme and gain work experience at the same time. An internship can take place in the Netherlands, but also abroad.

Although doing an internship is not part of the master’s programme, students are allowed to do so. Since it is not part of the programme and there is no time reserved for it, this means that it will probably take longer to graduate. Although students do not receive any ECTS for internships, it goes without saying that it is relevant experience that they can put on their CV.

Planning and timing of an internship 
Some internships can be combined with the programme, for example when the internships are not fulltime or the organisation and/or work is flexible. When an internship cannot be combined (which is often the case), it is best to do the internship after you have finished the coursesstudy programme. The student is responsible for the planning of the internship.

Internship agreement
If necessary, the study advisers can sign the internship agreement for you. Agreements will only be signed if you have obtained at least 10 ECTS from the master’s programme and if your internship starts in your second semester (for the September intake this will be in February and for the February intake this will be September). The study advisers will not sign if you have not started yet or just started with the master’s programme.

Please note! The university cannot be held responsible for any damage you cause or incur while at or travelling to your internship. Please check the internship agreement in advance for details on this matter. If your agreement states that you are or the university is responsible for any damage you cause or incur, your study adviser will only sign if you can provide proof of liability insurance for the duration of your placement.

Internships abroad
Check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs travel advice before you leave. You may not go on exchange in a country for which negative travel advice has been issued. Check here if your destination is safe. This webpage is in Dutch, but by entering the country name (Dutch spelling) you can view the safety status on a map. If your destination is red or orange, you may not go there. Check this page for more tips to stay safe abroad.

Register for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs information service (in Dutch) before departure. The ministry can then reach you and send help if required in a crisis situation (such as natural disaster or political unrest). Registration is free.

Provide your contact details
It is important that the university knows where you are staying and how to reach you. Make sure to provide your contact details once you reach your destination. If you are going on exchange, you can do this via the online application system. In all other cases, you must provide your details to the international exchange coordinator of FGGA yourself. This goes for all students going abroad, regardless of nationality and the country where the internships takes place.

Internship vacancies  
The initiative for finding an internship lies with the student. Vacancies are published on the internship platform of Leiden's Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs TRAIL and in the Leiden University Job Portal (mostly in Dutch). Career Service FGGA also shares vacancies via Facebook and LinkedInYou can also send an open application to interesting organisations

Combining an internship with the thesis
Students who wish to combine their internship with writing their master’s thesis, need to discuss this with the thesis supervisor before starting the internship.

Information for organisations who offer vacancies for (master’s) students    
Organisations can post their vacancies free of charge in the new internship platform of Leiden’s Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs TRAIL. In addition, they can search in a database of students and approach them directly, also for short-term project and parttime internships. Through this web page internship organisations can post vacancies in the Leiden University Job Portal for students of (other) faculties of Leiden University. 

Important information for international students
International interns in the Netherlands receiving at least the Dutch minimum wage that applies to their specific situation, are considered to be insured under the Dutch Health Insurance Act. This means they are legally required to take out Dutch basic health insurance. If the internship pay is less than this minimum wage, the interns are not allowed to take out a Dutch basic health insurance.

If the latter is the case, they can stay insured with the health insurer in their home country or take out a private international health insurance. Students from the EU/EEA may be eligible to receive a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which covers their necessary medical costs during their stay. They are advised to check this with the health insurer in their home country before departure.

If you have received a letter from the CAK regarding your insurance obligation it is important to contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) for an assessment of your insurance position under the Wlz scheme. You need to take action within three months or you will receive a fine of approximately €400. Even if you incorrectly received the letter from the CAK.

For general questions about health care insurance, please contact the Zorgverzekeringslijn.

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