Internships and research in the Netherlands
How can you find an internship or research project and what arrangements do you need to make?
Information from your faculty/study programme
Under your faculty or study programme tab you can read more about how to find and arrange an internship or research project.
Information sessions
Information sessions on finding and arranging internships and research projects take place on a regular basis. See the agenda for the latest dates.
Be well prepared
Before starting an internship or research project, always conclude clear agreements and record them in writing in an internship agreement. Also check your position in terms of intellectual property rights (IPR).
If you have any questions, contact your internship or research project coordinator.
Each student in the MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) programme will conduct an internship in an organization such as an international governmental or non-governmental organization, a think tank or another institute working in the domain of international relations, international organisation or diplomacy. The internship will largely be conducted during the fourth block of the first year of the MIRD programme; the minimum requirement is 10 weeks (full time).
A research paper, in which students explore activities of the organisation on the basis of academic work, is also a mandatory part of the internship. More information can be found in the e-prospectus.