Universiteit Leiden

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Internships and research in the Netherlands

How can you find an internship or research project and what arrangements do you need to make?

Information from your faculty/study programme

Under your faculty or study programme tab you can read more about how to find and arrange an internship or research project.

Information sessions

Information sessions on finding and arranging internships and research projects take place on a regular basis. See the agenda for the latest dates.

Be well prepared

Before starting an internship or research project, always conclude clear agreements and record them in writing in an internship agreement. Also check your position in terms of intellectual property rights (IPR).


If you have any questions, contact your internship or research project coordinator.

How can you find a Field School 2 or Internship BA3 and what arrangements do you need to make?

The Faculty of Archaeology’s Field School and Internship programme

The Faculty of Archaeology’s practical programme aims to train Archaeology students to become independent and critical researchers, deployable in the various categories of archaeological work. To see how the internship options are incorporated in the Bachelor programme and which requirements you have to meet first before going on a Field School 2 or Internship BA3, refer to the prospectus

In very exceptional cases (e.g. circumstances which negatively impact on studies), different arrangements may be made for Field School 2 and Internship BA3 than shown in the schedule. This must be organised in close consultation with the internship coordinator and permission must be obtained in advance from the Board of Examiners.

General coordinator Field School 2 and Internships BA3 programme
Dr Arjan Louwen

Regional coordinators
Americas: Dr Alex Geurds
Mediterranean: Mink van IJzendoorn MA
Near East: Dr Aris Politopoulos
Northern Europe: Dr Roos van Oosten

Other specialisations
Botany: Dr Mike Field
Digital archaeology: Drs Milco Wansleeben
Heritage and Museum Studies: Dr Martin Berger
Material Culture Studies: No coordinator appointed yet
Osteoarchaeology: Dr Rachel Schats
Sciences: No coordinator appointed yet
Zoology: Dr Laura Llorente Rodriguez

Step 1: Search for a Field School 2 or Internship BA3

Note: you are responsible for finding an internship yourself: search actively(!)

When you start searching for a Field School 2 or Internship BA3 always follow the following steps:

  • Arrange for a Field School 2 or Internship BA3 on time(!) For a project abroad, you should have completed the arrangements listed below at least 8 weeks before the start of the internship. For a project in the Netherlands, the guideline is 2 weeks before the start of the internship.
  • Always begin by checking the admission requirements and course objectives for the respective courses in the Prospectus to learn which requirements the Field School 2 or Internship BA3 must meet.
  • Make sure you are enrolled in the right Brightspace module: Field School 2 and Internship BA3 have separate modules(!). Here you will find all the necessary forms, procedures and assessment methods.  
  • When you start looking for a Field School 2 or an Internship BA3 you should always consider your plans for your future career: the internship program is already a big step towards the professional world and any contacts you may acquire or impressions you leave behind during an internship can already further you career perspectives. Therefore think carefully about in what direction the Field School 2 or Internship BA3 must take place. If you aspire a job in Dutch commercial archaeology, for one, note that when it comes to job applications companies will prefer graduates with field experience in Dutch archaeology. As soon as you have decided in what part of the world or in what specialisation you would like to gain some practical experience (and only then) it is time to actively contact possible internship providers. 
  • As mentioned, it is important that you actively look for a Field School 2 or Internship that fits your interests. The regional coordinators can also help to put you in the right direction. Field School 2 and Internship BA3 projects that have come to the faculty’s attention will be advertised via Brightspace (but note that there are more possible internships around than will be posted on Brightspace). On Brightspace you can also find a list of archaeological companies and other archaeological units. You are free to join in projects of other universities as well. Also think of State services, provinces, municipalities and museums.
  • Mail/write/phone to possible internship providers to ask whether they have room for you in one of their projects. Regard every letter/email/phone call as an official job application. Make sure you at least mention:
    • Why you are interested in this specific company/ organisation/ municipality/ museum/etc.
    • What it is you want/hope to learn
    • What experience you already have
    • When you are available (which weeks, which dates)

Step 2: Discuss and fill out the ‘Internship agreement form’ with the internship provider and regional coordinator

As soon as you have found an interesting Field School 2 or Internship BA3 it is time to discuss the exact outline and requirements of the internship concerned with the internship provider and regional coordinator. 

Download the Field School 2/Internship agreement form from Brightspace. Fill out your own section of the agreement first. Then ask the internship provider to fill out their section of the form and discuss the requirements that the internship must meet. Enter a short description of the internship (what will you do?; where?; how long?) When both you and the internship provider have signed the form, send the document to your regional-/specialisation coordinator to sign the final section on behalf of the Faculty. If the  regional-/specialisation coordinator agrees with the proposal he/she/they will return the form to you when signed. Make sure your internship provider receives a copy for their own administration(!). You don’t necessarily have to print out the form: filling out the form and signing digitally might prove the most convenient way in most occasions. 

An internship is a special form of employment and needs to be formally regulated. This is also important with respect to insurance. In some cases, the internship company also has an internship agreement. In that case, you will still need to complete the faculty internship agreement. In addition, the Faculty's Education and Student Affairs wants to know who is doing which internship and where. Furthermore, the internship agreement provides an estimate of the expected number and type of internship reports.

The assessment of the Field School 2 and Internship BA3 consists out of three parts:

  • An assessment form to be filled out by the internship provider
  • Daily reports [Portfolio]
  • The Field School 2/Internship BA3 report

The exact procedures and form of the report are explained in more detail in the respective Brightspace modules. Please make sure you already read these procedures carefully before you start your Field School 2 or Internship BA3. 

Insurance, health and safety and environmental regulations

For your own safety during fieldwork or intership, please see the information page about safety.

If you are joining a field work project (or more than one), either in The Netherlands or abroad, please let us know where you are going using the form on the website

For safety reasons we need to know where you are going, with which organization/university, when you are away and who to contact in case of emergency. Make sure you fill out the form as soon as you are accepted to the field work, so that you cannot forget (the only exemption is the course Field school 1 in the first year of the BA).

Also note that for internships abroad you need to make some extra arrangements: internship abroad.

COVID-19 measurements

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Leiden University has set up an extra set of procedures for internships abroad. Please carefully read the university website for the exact procedure: you need permission!

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