Universiteit Leiden

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To arrange upon your return


Your experiences and tips are a great source of information for other students who would like to study abroad at the same university. Just before you return, Leiden University will send you a mail asking you to submit a report about your studies abroad, using this template.

Have your credits recognised

Before departure, did you get approval for the credits you earn abroad to be counted towards your studies in Leiden? If so, you need to have your credits recognised upon your return. See your faculty or study programme tab for instructions. You can check that your credits have been recognised by looking in uSis or visiting your education administration office.

Erasmus Student Network Leiden

Would you like to be part of the international student community upon your return? If so, join the Erasmus Student Network Leiden. It’s a great way to meet students from all over the world, share experiences and keep that international feeling!

Submit your Study Abroad Report

Your experiences and tips are a great source of information for other students who would like to study abroad at the same university. Just before you return, Leiden University will send you a mail asking you to submit a report about your studies abroad, using this template.

Please upload your student report in the study abroad portal, and also e-mail the Science International your student report via outgoing@science.leidenuniv.nl so we can upload this to the Student Reports database.

Have your Credits Recognised

Before departure, did you get approval for the credits you earn abroad to be counted towards your studies in Leiden (see ‘preparations’)? If so, you need to have your credits recognised upon your return. Once you have received your official transcript, please upload this in the study abroad portal and e-mail this to the Science International Office via outgoing@science.leidenuniv.nl.

If your host will instead send your transcript directly to Leiden University, we will upload it for you, and inform you that we have received your transcript for further processing.

The Science International Ofice will ensure your Transcript is converted, and that your converted grades and credits are registered in uSis. You can check that your credits have been recognised by looking in uSis or visiting your education administration office.

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