Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden University has exchange agreements with universities all over the world. So there are plenty of destinations to choose from.

Check which exchange programmes are available to you

Before starting your search for suitable destinations, check on your faculty/study programme tab which types of exchange programmes are available to you. For example university-wide exchange programmes, faculty exchange programmes, or special exchange programmes only for students on your study programme.

Search for destinations

In our world map you can search through all Leiden University’s exchange agreements to find a destination that is compatible with your studies and interests. You can filter on the basis of country, exchange programme type, level, language and more. Once you have found an interesting destination, check the details carefully. Pay particular attention to the following sections:

  • Intended for students from: is this destination open to students from your study programme?
  • Important consideration: are there other important aspects you should consider, e.g. language requirements, semester dates, or whether this is a popular destination where your chances of placement are low?  

Going abroad via ISEP

As well as regular exchange destinations, you can also choose to go to a destination via ISEP, a non-profit partner organisation. In the world map, select Exchange Programme: university-wide exchange, then ISEP for further information. Note that fees may apply. 

Find your exchange destination via the world map! 

World map

Negative travel advice? Check your destination

You may not go on exchange in a country for which negative travel advice has been issued. Check here if your destination is safe. This webpage is in Dutch, but by entering the country name (Dutch spelling) you can view the safety status on a map. If your destination is red or orange, you may not go there. See the Health and Safety page for further information.

Gather more information

Student reports

In the student reports database you can find reports written by students about their study abroad experiences. You can filter the reports on the basis of country, faculty and type of activity abroad. This is a great way to learn more about what to expect when studying abroad in a particular country, field and institution.

International Experience Week 

Launch your international adventure at the annual International Experience Week.  Find out more about the country in which you want to study, talk to students who have already studied abroad, attend faculty information sessions and much more.

Via your faculty or study programme

Click on your faculty or study programme tab for information on the destinations available via your own faculty or programme. 

Tips for choosing a destination

Be flexible

There are limited places available on exchange programmes, which means there is no guarantee you can go to your preferred destination. Remember that there are lots of great places to study abroad. We recommend that you don’t restrict your options by setting strict criteria.

What to take into account

  • The courses you want to follow: are they open to exchange students?
  • The language spoken and any language requirements: do you speak the language well enough? Or could you attain the required level by following a language course?
  • Cost of living: this can differ greatly from destination to destination, even within the same country. Do you have sufficient funds?
  • Special requirements due to disability or illness: can your destination meet your requirements? Also take a look at the Health and Safety page.
  • The atmosphere, culture and environment: do you prefer small scale or large scale, something completely different or something more familiar?
  • Equal treatment of all gender identities and sexual orientations: what is the situation in your destination? Take a look on ILGA.org.
Photo: Joëlle Dekkers

Leiden University and the Institute of Political Science have exchange agreements with universities all over the world. So there are plenty of destinations to choose from.

Which exchange programmes can I choose from?

As a bachelor’s student at the Institute of Political Science, you can go abroad through the following types of exchange programmes:

  • university-wide exchange programmes outside Europe (including ISEP), or
  • exchange programmes of the Institute of Political Science.

Find your destination: university-wide exchange programmes

On the world map, you can filter by type of exchange, faculty, level, language, and more. Have you found an interesting destination? Then take a good look at all the information.

Pay particular attention to the following parts:

  • Intended for: Is this destination really accessible to students of your study programme?
  • Important considerations: For example, are there different semester dates or additional requirements?

Find your destination: Political Science exchange programmes

In addition to the university-wide exchange option, students from the Institute of Political Science can go on exchange to other Institutes of Political Science through our Erasmus agreements in Europe (including Turkey) or through our bilateral agreements with:

  • Exeter University (Exeter, UK)
  • Queen Mary University (London, UK)
  • Aberystwyth University (Aberystwyth, UK)
  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Santiago, Chile)
  • Fundação Getulio Vargas – School of International Relations (São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Department of Political Science and Department of International Relations (Jerusalem, Israel)

Exchange: when?


Your exchange contact at the Institute of Political Science

B. Bergmann & R. Ensor


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