What and why?
Feb 2025 onwards: open consultation hours at Plexus and Wijnhaven
Skip the emails and drop by during consultation hours for personalised advice. From February 2025 onwards there will be open consultation hours at Plexus and Wijnhaven. The university-wide exchange coordinators will be on hand to offer information and advice.
Characteristics of exchange programmes
- You will apply via Leiden University and must meet certain eligibility criteria.
- There are limited spaces available, so you are not guaranteed a place on an exchange programme.
- You will remain registered as a student of Leiden University and won’t need to pay additional tuition fees to your host university.
- If you get advance permission from your Board of Examiners, the credits you earn can be counted towards your study programme at Leiden University.
Two types of exchange
There are two types of exchange programme:
- University-wide
- Via a faculty or study programme
Characteristics of university-wide exchange
- As a rule, for students of all disciplines. Conditions may apply.
- Also open to master students, though restrictions generally apply at both Leiden University and partner universities.
- At your host university, you can generally follow courses offered by any programme or faculty.
- All destinations are outside Europe.
- Due to limited exchange places at our partner universities, you can only go on exchange for 1 semester. Students who have a mandatory 2 semester exchange via their study programme are exempted from this.
- The programme is organised by the international exchange coordinator for university-wide exchange, whom you can contact with any questions.
Characteristics of exchange via a faculty or study programme
- Only for students from specific study programmes or faculties.
- You may only follow courses offered by specific study programmes or faculties at your host university.
- Destinations are both within Europe (Erasmus+) and outside Europe.
- The programme is organised by the international exchange coordinator at your faculty or programme, whom you can contact with any questions.

Exchange Programmes
The Faculty of Humanities has a large network of student exchange partnerships within Europe. These are the so-called Erasmus+ partnerships, for more information see Where?.
Going abroad indepently
Students who independently apply to a university of their choosing are called 'Free movers'. For more information, see Going abroad independently.
Mandatory Studies Abroad
A number of BA and MA programmes in the Faculty of Humanities have a mandatory study abroad period as a component of the programme. These students are usually not considered to be exchange students. For more information, please check your programme specific tab.
Every year students of Korean Studies spend a year in (South) Korea, partly as fulfillment of their MA degree. The Korean Studies MA programme has an agreement with Yonsei University in Seoul. Students depart for Korea after completion of the first semester in Leiden.

To receive a contribution towards the costs of your study abroad period, you may apply for the Outbound Study Grant. For more information, send an email to studyabroad@hum.leidenuniv.nl .
Other interesting funding opportunities:
- SNS Reaal Fonds
- Korea Foundation
- Leiden University Scholarships and Funding Search Engine (also available in Dutch)
Registration procedure
Questions regarding application procedures should be directed to the International Office.
With regard to uSis: You do not need to register in uSis for the semesters abroad. This will be taken up by the administration's office after completion of your year abroad.
Programme in Korea
You will be taking classes at Yonsei University, Seoul. This is a high-rated university with experience in receiving foreign students.
To discuss your program at Yonsei University, you should contact the coordinator of studies, Dr. Guita Winkel and Professor Remco Breuker.
Preparation for re-enrollment for the second year of the MA programme
Before your departure for Korea, make sure to check your registration address with the university administration. Your re-enrolment form for the next academic year will be sent to that address. It is important to arrange for your post to be forwarded to you in Korea. Also make sure to arrange beforehand for the payment of your Leiden University tuition fee for the second year (or authorize someone to do it for you). Handling these things from Korea can be quite bothersome!
For more information on re-registering in September please contact the Front Office Student Affairs (tel. 071-5278011).
Contact information
- Co-ordinator Year in Korea:
Professor Remco Breuker