Universiteit Leiden

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To arrange upon your return


Remember how curious you were about other students’ study-abroad stories when you were considering going on exchange? Now it’s your turn to help out. Your tips and experiences can be a great source of information to other students thinking of studying abroad at the same institution.

  • As soon as you get home, write a report about your stay, in English, using this template.  
  • Within one month of your return, upload your report in the study abroad portal in the ‘Upon return’ section. You will receive a reminder by email just before your return.

Transcript and credits

Before departure, did you get approval for the credits you earn abroad to be counted towards your studies in Leiden (see ‘to arrange before departure’)? If so, you need to have your credits recognised upon your return as follows:

  • Upload your transcript from your host university in the study abroad portal, in the ‘Upon return’ section. You will receive a reminder by email just before your return. If your host will instead send your transcript directly to Leiden University, we will upload it for you and let you know.

  • Check whether any additional actions are required at your faculty by looking on your study programme/faculty tab or contacting your International Exchange Coordinator.

Be aware that it can take several weeks for your host university to send your transcript. However, if you have not received it within 12 weeks of the end of your studies abroad, let your international exchange coordinator know.

You can check that your credits have been recognised by looking in uSis or contacting your education administration office.

Help other students on their way

With your study abroad experience, you can help other students on their way to their own international adventure:

  • Pre-departure event (university-wide exchange)
    Meet students who are going to study at your host university and share your experiences with them. The pre-departure event takes place in April.
  • Study Abroad Festival
    Share your experiences with students who are thinking of studying abroad. The Study Abroad Festival takes place in October.  
  • Study Abroad photo and film contest
    Capture your study abroad adventure on film and win prizes.

If you have been away on exchange, you will receive an invitation to take part in all these events.

Erasmus Student Network Leiden

Would you like to be part of the international student community upon your return? If so, join the Erasmus Student Network Leiden. It’s a great way to meet students from all over the world, share experiences and keep that international feeling!

Make sure to look on your faculty or programme tab!

If your faculty or programme has additional steps that you need to take upon your return, these will be explained under your faculty or programme tab.

Photo: Fabianne Nagtegaal

Study Abroad Report

Remember how helpful other students’ study-abroad experiences were when you were researching your exchange? Now it’s your turn to help! Your tips and experiences are a great source of information to fellow students at the Faculty of Science who are thinking of studying abroad at the same university. 

  • When you get home, write a report about your stay, in English, using this template.
  • Within one month of your return, upload your report in the study abroad portal in the ‘Upon return’ section. You will receive a reminder by email just before your return.
  • Additionally, email your report to the Science International Office via outgoing@science.leidenuniv.nl.
  • Be aware not submitting your study abroad report on time can have consequences for your scholarship entitlement, if applicable.  

You can consult the Student Reports Database to view the reports that other students who went before you have written. 


Upload your Transcript from your host university in the ‘Upon return’ section of the study abroad portal as soon as you receive it. Also send the Transcript to the Science International Office by e-mail to facilitate your credit conversion and recognition. You will receive a reminder by email to do so before your return. 

Be aware that it can take several weeks for your host university to send your Transcript. However, if you have not received it within 12 weeks of the end of your studies abroad, let your international exchange coordinator know. Some host universities send Transcripts directly to the Science International Office. They should inform you of this, but if you are unsure, please contact the local coordinator at your host university. In that case, we will upload the Transcript on your behalf.

Credit Recognition

If you received approval from the Board of Examiners for the credits earned abroad to count towards your studies in Leiden, you must now send the Transcript to the Science International Office via outgoing@science.leidenuniv.nl. This is in addition to uploading your Transcript to uSis.

The Board of Examiners will check if the courses on your Transcript match those listed on your approved Learning Agreement, and will discuss the conversion of your grades. The converted grades will be sent to the Science Education and Student Office for processing, after which they will be visible in uSis.

  • Grade conversion: Leiden will transfer those credits that have been successfully obtained at the host university to your programme here. Grades are converted to the Dutch grading scale (1-10), and when appropriate on a pass/fail basis. Students will receive a Leiden University grade equivalent to their grades at the host university.
  • Failed courses: Students should be aware that a failed course will mean they may need to take an additional course or courses once back at Leiden University in order to meet graduation requirements, depending on their situation and the number of credits needed.

Keep in mind that it takes several weeks to convert transcripts. If you need your credits processed quickly for an upcoming graduation or for graduate school applications, please contact your international exchange coordinator!

You can check that your credits have been recognised by looking in uSis or visiting your education administration office.

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