Universiteit Leiden

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Approval and application

First check your exchange programme type!

Different deadlines and procedures apply depending on whether you want to apply for destinations via a university-wide exchange programme, via a faculty exchange programme, or (if applicable) via a special exchange programme only for students on your study programme. 

  • For destinations via a university-wide exchange programme: follow the instructions and deadlines here below on the general tab.
  • For destinations via a faculty exchange programmes, or via a special exchange programme only for students on your study programme: click on your faculty or study programme tab and follow the instructions and deadlines there. 

University-wide exchange


If you want to go abroad via a university-wide exchange programme in autumn 2025 or spring 2026, you can apply until 23:59 on 1 December 2024.

Note that different deadlines apply if you are going abroad via a faculty or study programme-specific exchange programme. See your faculty or study programme tab for details.

Apply on time

Make sure your application is complete on time. Late applications will not be considered.


To apply for a university-wide exchange programme, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You are registered as a student of Leiden University;
  • You have obtained at least 60EC of your bachelor’s programme;
  • Your average grade is 7 or higher*. Doing a master’s but not yet received any grades? We will use your bachelor’s GPA instead.  
  • You meet any additional requirements specified by your faculty or programme (these can be found under your faculty or programme tab).

*Exception: for the ISEP programme an average grade of 6.5 or higher is required.

Steps to take

After looking through all the options in the world map, draw up a list of at least 5 (max. 10) universities where you would like to study, in order of preference. When doing so, be aware that some destinations are very popular so it is important that you take your Chances of placement into consideration

Chances of placement

  • You can see the Chances of placement for each destination in the world map under 'Important considerations’. This will be either high, medium or low.
  • In your list, we advise you not to include more than 2 destinations that are classified as Chances of placement: low.
  • Only select destinations that you would be happy to go to, even if they are not your first choice. 

Letter of motivation

Download the motivation letter template, complete it (200 to 300 words per selected university) and upload it in uSis:

Second semester as plan B

Are you applying for the first semester but could also go abroad in the second semester (or vice versa)? Mention this in your letter by ticking the checkbox with the text 'Yes, I wish to be considered for a different semester if I am not selected for my first choice of semester.' Please note that it is important to discuss this with your study adviser in advance to make sure your study programme permits exchange in the second semester.

Transcript: only for master, LUC & joint degree students, and university studies elsewhere 

In your online application you will be asked to grant us permission to view your grades in uSis. You therefore do not need to upload a transcript except in the following cases:  

  • Master's student: if you are master's student, upload a copy of your (Leiden or other university) bachelor transcript with GPA.
  • Leiden University College (LUC): if you are, or have been, studying at LUC, request an official transcript with GPA from the LUC course administration and upload it in your application.
  • Joint degree: if you are following a joint degree at Leiden University and TU Delft, request an official TU Delft transcript with GPA and upload it in your application.
  • University studies elsewhere: if you have also studied at a university other than Leiden University, upload your transcript with GPA from that institution. 
  • Log into uSis > click on the study abroad tile > select ‘I want to study at a partner university via an exchange programme’.
  • Enter the requested data and upload the required documents.
  • Select your (max. 10) exchange destinations* in order of preference.
  • Submit your application.

*Want to go abroad via the ISEP programme? Select ISEP as one of your exchange destinations in uSis.

If you need further explanation, consult the Manual on applying for university-wide exchange via uSis

You may only go on exchange with the approval of your study programme. Once you submit your application, the international exchange coordinator will ask your programme to confirm its approval.   

Note that the selection procedure has changed! See explanation below.
For further details and background, see University-wide exchange - Lottery procedure

Once your programme confirms its approval, we will check you meet the eligibility requirements. We will also review your letter of motivation to make sure your study abroad plans are realistic and achievable and your choice of universities is well considered. If we have serious doubts, we may contact you to discuss your plans. 

You will then be included in the selection process. For university-wide exchange, selection takes place via a lottery procedure.

Lottery procedure

  1. If there are sufficient places available for all applicants at your first choice of destination, you will be placed there.
  2. If there are insufficient places, these will be allocated via a lottery procedure. All students will be allocated a random ranking number via an automated programme.
  3. Starting with ranking number one, we will check if we can place the student at their first choice of destination. If not, we will try to place them at their second choice, then their third and so on. The same will be done for all students in order of ranking number. 

If you are offered a place, you will be invited to log into the study abroad portal to view the details of the offered place. Make sure to read all the information and conditions of the offer carefully.

In the unfortunate event you cannot be placed at any of your chosen destinations, you will be invited to take part in a second selection round for the remaining available places. 

If you have been offered a place, you must accept or decline it within 7 days in the uSis study abroad portal. If you do not accept the offer on time, it will be withdrawn. When accepting your place, you must agree to the Regulations on Studying Abroad. Be prepared and read these in advance. If you have any questions about the regulations, contact your international exchange coordinator.

Once you accept your place, Leiden University will nominate you to your host institution. You will then receive instructions on how and when to submit your application to your host institution, either from your international exchange coordinator or directly from the host itself. 

Foto: Ruth Kiers
Photo: Ruth Kiers

First check your exchange programme type!

As a Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology student you can apply to go abroad either via the Erasmus+ exchange programmes of the Institute of CADS or the university-wide exchange programmes.

  • For destinations via the Erasmus+ exchange programme of the Institute of CADS: follow the instructions and deadlines here below. 
  • For destinations via a university-wide exchange programme: follow the instruction and deadlines on the general tab of this page.

Erasmus+ exchange via the Institute of CADS


If you want to go abroad in the fall semester (September-December/January) you can apply until February 15.
If you want to go abroad in the spring semester (February-June/July) you can apply until September 15.

Remember that different deadlines apply if you want to go abroad via a university-wide exchange programme. See the general tab on this page for details.

Apply on time

Make sure your application is complete on time. Late applications will not be considered.  


To apply for the Erasmus+ exchange programme via the Institute of CADS, you must meet the following requirements before the above mentioned application deadline:

  • You are enrolled at Leiden University;
  • You have passed all first-year courses (propaedeuse);
  • Your grade average is 7 or above.

These criteria apply both to Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology students applying for a university-wide exchange and for students applying for the Erasmus+ exchange programme offered by the Institute of CADS.

Steps to take

Make a study plan to be sure that a study abroad fits into your programme in Leiden. Before you apply, consider which compulsory / specialization courses you still need to complete. When should you be present in Leiden? When do semesters start and end here and abroad? When are the exams scheduled?

Going abroad in the second semester
If you want to go abroad in the second semester of your third year, please be aware that exams of block 2 of your third year could take place mid or end of January, while most semesters abroad already start at the beginning of January. This means you might have to adapt your study plan. It is your own responsibility to arrange this. It is not possible to take your exams in Leiden online. Please note that we do not offer students the opportunity to write their Thesis in the first semester of the 3rd year. You can only write your thesis in the second semester of the 3rd year.

Make an appointment with your study adviser or the international coordinator for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology if you are unsure whether a study abroad fits into your programme.

Search for destinations and choose a maximum of 5 universities that you would like to study at and list them in order of preference. As competition is high we advise you to select a minimum of three universities.

Motivation letter

Write a cover letter in which you explain why you would like to study at the top-three universities on your list and what is the added value in terms of your academic career and/or personal development. There is no format for this letter; you are free to write it in any way you choose. However, your letter must meet the following criteria: 
•    In English
•    Maximum 500 words
•    In pdf format

Transcript of records: only for university studies elsewhere

In your online application, we ask your permission to view your grades in uSis. You therefore do not need to upload a transcript, unless you have also studied at a university other than Leiden. If this is the case, then upload your transcript including your GPA from that institute. Transcripts without GPA on it will not be considered.

Submit your application in the uSis study abroad portal as follows: 

  • Log into uSis > click on the Study Abroad tile > select ‘‘I want to study at a partner university via an exchange agreement’. 
  • Enter the requested data and upload the required documents. 
  • Select your (max. 5) exchange destinations in order of preference.   
  • Submit your application.

If you meet the requirements, you will be included in the selection process. You will be notified of the results by email. If you are offered a place, you will be invited to log into the uSis study abroad portal to view the details of the offered place. Make sure to read all the information and conditions of the offer carefully. 

If you have been offered a place, you must accept or decline it within 7 days in the uSis study abroad portal If you do not accept the offer on time, it will be withdrawn. When accepting your place, you must agree to the Regulations on Studying Abroad. Be prepared and read these in advance. If you have any questions about the regulations, contact your international exchange coordinator. 

Once you accept the offered place, Leiden University will nominate you to your host institution. You will then receive instructions on how and when to submit your application to your host institution, either from your international exchange coordinator or directly from the host itself.

University-wide exchange programme

You can find information about how to apply for a university-wide exchange programme under the 'General' tab.

It is strongly advised that you make a study plan to be sure that a study abroad fits into your programme in Leiden. Before you apply, consider which compulsory/specialisation courses you still need to complete. When should you be present in Leiden? When do semesters start and end here and abroad? When are the exams scheduled?

Make an appointment with your study adviser or the international coordinator for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology if you are unsure whether a study abroad fits your programme.

If you have more questions after your online orientation, you can schedule an appointment with the international coordinator of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology.

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