Universiteit Leiden

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Symposium: Use of reviews following murder and homicide in domestic settings

Friday 31 January 2025
Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague

On Friday, 31 January 2025, the results of the research project 'Use of reviews following murder and homicide in domestic settings' will be presented. This research, commissioned by the WODC, provides valuable insights and recommendations for the government and professionals within the field

The research explores the potential introduction of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) in both the European and Caribbean parts of the Netherlands. In other countries, these reviews are routinely conducted following fatal domestic violence incidents, with the aim of identifying patterns and potential intervention points. Systematic evaluation of these cases can contribute to more effective collaboration between the involved agencies.

During the symposium, international experts will share their experiences with DHRs. The programme will conclude with a Dutch panel discussing the implications of introducing DHRs in the Netherlands, including potential consequences for implementation and support.

Further information can be found on the Dutch page, where the primary language of the event is Dutch.


Please register via this link.

Voor vragen over het symposium kunt u contact opnemen met Laura van Gunst via l.van.gunst@fgga.leidenuniv.nl.

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