Universiteit Leiden

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CADS Research Seminar Listening to the Un-speakable as Decolonial Praxis

Monday 10 June 2024
Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden

What are the ways of listening to the affective intensities of intergenerational harm? What does it mean to listen to what lies beyond verbal articulation, and how can such endeavors be accomplished? How can the un-speakable regulatory regimes of genre, sexuality, race, and ethnicity, sedimented in long histories of intergenerational harm, be heard and seen anew?

This talk explores how Dutch-Indonesian decolonial activists mobilize techniques of somatic experiencing as a way of listening to and unraveling affective residues of historical injustice understood to be lodged in individual and collective bodies.

About the speaker

Ana Eclair (nee Dragojlovic) is an Associate Professor in Gender Studies and Insight Fellow at the Contemplative Studies Centre at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research intersects feminist, queer, decolonial and care studies and investigates the ways in which structural inequalities shape people’s experiences of everyday life. A/Prof Eclair is the author of Beyond Bali: Subaltern Citizens and Post-Colonial Intimacy, co-author of Bodies and Suffering: Emotions and Relations of Care (with Alex Broom), co-editor of Gender, Violence, Power: Indonesia Across Time and Space, (with Kate McGregor and Hannah Loney), co-editor of Tracing Silences (with Annemarie Samuels), co-editor of Queering Memory, and co-editor of Decolonising Memory (with Kate McGregor).

This research talk is hosted by the CADS People, Power and Diversity Research Cluster

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