eLaw Conference: eLaw Symposium (20 June) and AI & Data Protection Conference (21 June) – Call for Abstracts
- Date
- Thursday 20 June 2024 - Friday 21 June 2024
- Address
- see Leiden eLaw Conference program

eLaw – Leiden University's Center for Law and Digital Technologies – will host a major Conference in Leiden (The Netherlands) on 20 and 21 June 2024 about "Law and/versus Technology: trends for the new decade", co-organised with the Brussels Privacy Hub and Computer Law & Security Review (CLSR) and the involvement of the Data Protection Scholars Network (DPSN).
This big conference will host prominent international speakers from all over the world from academia, institutions and civil society (many have already confirmed their participation), addressing the most advanced research and policy trends on regulating digital technologies.
The event will host Keynote panels and paper workshops and will be based on two elements: the eLaw Symposium (20 June 2024) and the AI & Data Protection Conference (21 June 2024). See this link for the program.To participate in the Paper Workshops as a Speaker, a Call for Abstracts is already available at this link and it welcomes 500-700 word abstract submissions (on privacy, data protection, AI regulations, digital platform regulations, digital vulnerability, law and robotics, and related areas) from senior and junior scholars by 10 March 2024.
Accepted authors can submit full papers (by 7 June 2024) for publication in a special issue of Computer Law & Security Review (ELSEVIER), subject to the journal's standard review and editorial processes.
This year, the eLaw Center will also celebrate the ten years of its successful Advanced LL.M. in Law and Digital Technologies. The symposium will be a valuable opportunity to reflect on the major lessons learned over the past ten years and look ahead to the next ten years.
Registrations for the conference are now open at this link and the early bird registration will expire on April 2.
For more information,
List of confirmed speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Roger Brownsword, University College of London
- Prof. Dr. Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Paul Nemitz, European Commission
- Dr. Ignacio Cofone, McGill University, Montreal (Canada)
- Dr. Elettra Bietti, Northeastern University, Boston (US)
- Prof. Dr. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Radboud University
- Prof. Dr. Eleni Kosta, Tilburg University
- Prof. Dr. Gloria Gonzalez Fuster, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Prof. Dr. Linnet Taylor, Tilburg University
- Dr. Joris van Hoboken, Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Prof. Dr. Marcello Ienca, Technical University of Munich
- Prof. Dr. Hielke Hijmans, Belgian Data Protection Authority and Litigation Chamber
- Prof. Dr. Timo Jakobi, Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm
- Prof. Dr. Simone van Der Hof, Leiden University
- Prof. Dr. Bart Custers, Leiden University
- Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri, Leiden University and Brussels Privacy Hub
- Dr. Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Leiden University
- Dr. Francien Dechesne, Leiden University