Never the same again: The EU's eastern enlargement after 20 years
- Jan Váška (Charles University, Prague)
- Date
- Monday 22 April 2024
- Time
- Address
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden - Room
- 1.47
In turn glorified as possibly the greatest achievement in the history of European unification and vilified as premature and the cause of numerous woes, the rule of law crisis chief among them, the 2004/2007 Eastern enlargement has been a defining moment for the European Union in the 21 century. 20 years after the Big Bang Enlargement, an appraisal is due. What makes the Eastern enlargement unique among other EU endeavours? What were its main challenges? Where did the results not quite meet expectations; why, and with what consequences? And, the sharply different context aside, what lessons are there to be drawn for the next wave of EU enlargement?

About the speaker
Dr Jan Váška (Ph.D. 2016 from Charles University, dissertation Ideový rámec britské zahraniční politiky v éře New Labour - Conceptual framework of British foreign policy under New Labour) is Deputy Head of the Department of European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czechia. His teaching portfolio covers history and contemporary developments in western Europe, British history and politics, and European integration. He has published on British foreign and European policy, contemporary British politics, EU institutions and, most recently, on Czechia‘s efforts at status enhancement in international organisations.