Universiteit Leiden

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FSW Career Days: 28-30 November 2023

Tuesday 28 November 2023 - Thursday 30 November 2023
Pieter de la Court Building
Wassenaarseweg 52

The FSW Career Service supports students and recent graduates in their transition from study to first job and offers guidance in study choice and career questions in the bachelor and master.
From 28-30 November 2023 the FSW Career Service organises the FSW Career Days.

Not only FSW students and alumni (upto 1 year after graduation) are welcome to the  Career Days FSW, but also students from other faculties. 


During these days a varied programme of workshops, CV/LinkedIn profile checks, Linkedin pictures and a Go Volunteer Market is offered. You can find the schedule below.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Discuss with our panel members the opportunities and challenges involved in starting a career in the Netherlands. 
You may ask the recruiters from different organizations everything you want to know regarding application skills and strategy and the art of presenting yourself to a future employer. Find out how to adjust your CV and write an effective job application letter, learn to benefit from social media and more!

After the panel session, there is the possibility to have an informal talk with the speakers while enjoying a (free) drink and to ask all your questions!


Laura van Mil, Associate Executive Search at Spencer Stuart

As an alumna of FSW at Leiden University, I've built a diverse career in healthcare consultancy and executive search. I currently work as an Associate Executive Search at Spencer Stuart, a global leadership advisory and executive search firm, where I focus on identifying top talent for medical technology and medical device companies in the global healthcare industry. I have a passion for understanding the intricacies of the broader healthcare system, combined with a genuine enthusiasm for connecting with people. I'm enthusiastic about returning to Leiden University to share my journey and insights at the Career event.


Julianne Rietveld, Corporate Recruiter at Ksyos

As Corporate Recruiter, I connect enthusiastic healthcare professionals with Ksyos: an innovative, digital healthcare provider. I am responsible for the recruitment and selection of suitable candidates within the entire organization; from doctor’s assistants to software developers. Besides this, I also focus on Campus recruitment and providing internships for students. I have a background in Organisational Psychology and I enjoy being able to put my people skills and psychological expertise to good use in my role as Corporate Recruiter. What really motivates me is to explore together with candidates where their talents lie and in which way they can explore their full potential within Ksyos.


Mark Barth, Founder of Omega Search

I founded Omega Search with the mission to break biases in recruitment.
How can we add value to your application process? Our principles are Driven, Engaging and Honest. 

> LinkedIn profile Mark Barth


Wednesday 29 November 2023

Trainer: Anastasia Punchuk, from Volunteer the Hague.

Are you a soon-to-be-graduate looking for your first full-time job in a challenging job market? Join us at 11.30 hrs for an insightful workshop on the strategic benefits of volunteering in your career journey. 

Workshop highlights:

  •  Explore how volunteering can enhance your skill set and broaden your experiences
  •  Discover how volunteering can help you refine your career goals
  •  Learn how to articulate your experience in your CV to impress prospective employers
  •  Gain insights into volunteering opportunities in The Hague region and beyond.

Do you want to meet organisations that can help you find suitable volunteer work, but also further preparation for the labour market and networking activities? 
Then visit the FSW Go Volunteer Market on Wednesday 29 November 2023 in the central hall of the Pieter de la Courtbuilding!

Participating organisations: 

Opportunities for international & Dutch (speaking) students:

Organisation Volunteer jobs
Incluzio Leiden Teaching english to refugees and migrants, assisting with bicyle lessons, gardening in community gardens, meeting with elderly, environment work.     
Volunteer the Hague Range of volunteer vacancies posted by the local Dutch non-profits in need of volunteers.
Stichting Leids Steunloket Migranten (LSM) Walk-in clinic/social legal, education, tutoring, Kids oasis: reading and kids activities, media, website and communications. 
Stichting Present Leiden Project supervision, participating in volunteer projects, social media management, preparing projects; flex pool volunteers.
Let's Go Africa Research projects, writing consultancy reports, creating workshops, manuals, teaching and learning materials,carrying out all kinds of activities and helping staff members on site.
Leiden municipality Language buddies, mentors/coaches, help with activities.
AIESEC Variety of volunteering projects in over 100 countries (a.o. related to education, acces to clean water, reducing poverty).
VluchtelingenWerk Supporting refugees, a.o. with legal matters (asylum procedure or family reunification) or social issues (help with language, integration, participation).
Stichting Move 'Move' pairs students with children who have fewer opportunities than their peers. Together, they work on volunteer projects for others.
Student Team UNICEF Leiden Raising awareness for UNICEF projects.
Hip Helpt Leiden Practical and social support for people who need help.
POPcorner FSW Buddies for first year students to find their way around the university.

Opportunities for Dutch speaking students only:  

Organisation           Volunteer jobs
Cross Your Borders   Vrijwilligerswerk/stages: van marketing & communicatie, tot educatie en ontwikkeling; projectbegeleider of projectmedewerker.       
Stichting Villa Abel                         Ondersteuning bij studieplanning, structuren van rustmomenten, stress en overbelasting helpen voorkomen, motiveren, studenten ondersteunen bij het omgaan met onvoorziene obstakels tijdens het studeren en verslag bijhouden van de studenten.
Rode Kruis Studentendesk Leiden               Commissies en projecten.
Ministerie van Defensie: MDT Missie MDT Missie: Militair Impact Bivak + Sociale missie (vrijwilligerswerk)
Oma's Soep Leiden Vrijwilligers voor de kookdagen en voor de soep-aan-huisdagen (voor/met ouderen).
Libertas Leiden Wandelvrijwilliger, spelletjesvrijwilliger, aandachtsvrijwilliger, pianist, koffieschenkvrijwilliger, woonkamervrijwilliger, creatieve vrijwilligers.
Vitalis Maatjes               Maatje worden voor een kind voor een paar uurtjes per week.
VTV (Vrijetijd Thuismaatjes en Vorming)                                                           Begeleiding van vrijetijdsactiviteiten voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en/of autisme. 
Humanitas Rijnland Ondersteunen van gezinnen met kinderen tot 18 jaar (Home start), bij financiële vragen (thuisadminstratie), steun bij verlies e.a.

Furthermore (NL/ENG):

Registration for the Go Volunteer market is convenient for the event organisers, but you can also just walk by and visit the market!

At the FSW Go Volunteer Market you can also have your CV and/or LinkedIn profile checked by the Career Service FSW. 
No registration needed.

Check out the tips on writing a CV and creating a LinkedIn profile on the LU Career zone!

Location: Student Plaza FSW (end of the central hall Pieter de la Court building)

Have your picture taken by a professional photographer! You can use it for your CV and/or LinkedIn-profile.

Location: Student Plaza FSW (end of the central hall Pieter de la Court building)

This workshop will be presented in Dutch!

Wat heb ik een werkgever te bieden?

Welke kennis, vaardigheden en kwaliteiten heb jij al in huis om je te onderscheiden op de arbeidsmarkt? Het kan lastig zijn deze bij jezelf te zien, het is namelijk voor jou heel normaal en je doet het misschien altijd zo. Deze workshop is bedoeld voor studenten en net afgestudeerden die een beter beeld willen krijgen van zichzelf en hoe dat in te zetten in hun (studie)loopbaan.

Het doel van deze workshop is om inzicht te krijgen in jouw kennis, competenties en kwaliteiten. Voordat je goed weet welke (loop)baan bij je past en je daaraan kunt werken, is het goed een scherp beeld te hebben van jezelf. Omlijnd door wat theorie over de arbeidsmarkt en persoonlijke ontwikkeling, zal de focus van deze workshop liggen op oefeningen om helder te krijgen wat jij te bieden hebt. Deze zelfkennis helpt jou effectieve studie- en loopbaankeuzes te maken.

Wie mag zich aanmelden?
Studenten die ingeschreven zijn aan de Universiteit Leiden en alumni tot een jaar na afstuderen. Deze workshop wordt gegeven in het Nederlands.

Eva van der Meer, Career Service FSW

Thursday 30 November 2023

Regularly, the Career Service FSW organises a career college about working in a specific field.
During this Career College, alumni of Leiden University will tell you what it is like to work in HR with a focus on Diversity & Inclusion, with plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions.
What is involved? What skills and attributes do you need? How did the alumnus get into it?

Soraya Refos, Advisor Diversity at KNAW - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

I enjoy working as an advisor on diversity and inclusion at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In this role, I deal with policies and activities related to diversity, inclusion and social safety.



Liza Zobdeh, coordinator Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Ministries EZK en LNV 

As coordinator, I am working towards a diverse and inclusive organisation at the Ministries of EZK and LNV. A balanced reflection of society, in all layers of our ministries. From operations to policy and from management to governance.


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