During the We are Science Week you will have plenty of opportunity to undertake fun activities with fellow students or colleagues and to meet each other.
Most activities take place in and around our newest building: the Gorlaeus Building. Throughout the week, the garden will be transformed into a meeting place where you can lounge and play games such as mega-Jenga and table football, and where you can get tasty snacks, drinks and Leiden Science Merchandise at various times. In bad weather we move indoors.
8 to 12 May - Games in the garden
Every day you can take a break and play one of the games in the garden of the Gorlaeus Building with your fellow students or colleagues.
The games you can find there are:
We will update the list soon with more games
8 to 12 May - After-work drinks in the Science Bar
Come and have a drink with your fellow students or colleagues to end your day. The Science Bar in the garden of the Gorlaeus Building is open every day from 17.00 to 19.00.
Pin only.
8, 9 and 11 May - Leiden Science Merchandise Pop-up Store
Want to be the proud owner of a Leiden Science hoodie or a Leiden Science water bottle? Buy your favorite item in the Leiden Science Pop-up store. Our Pop-up Store in the garden of the Gorlaeus Building is open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during the lunch break (12.00-14.00).
Pin only.
8, 9 and 11 May - Coffee by a barista (for free)
Fancy a nice freshly made cup of coffee? Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 11.00 to 14.00 you can order delicious americanos, espressos and cappuccinos from a real barista for free, in the garden of the Gorlaeus Building.
8 and 9 May - Photo booth
Take a nice photo with your fellow students or colleagues. On Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 May there will be a photo booth all day in the atrium of the Gorlaeus Building.
8 and 12 May - Ice cream by RINO (for free)
Come and get an ice-cold, freshly made snack at RINO. These students make the tastiest ice creams with liquid nitrogen. You will find them in the garden of the Gorlaeus building on Monday during lunch and Friday during drinks
Monday 8 May from 12.00
Friday May 12 from 17.00
Please note: there will be ice cream as long as the supplies last
9 and 10 May - The write place
Writing. One of the most important ways to share your research results, but not the easiest, which is why we make space for this topic during the We are Science Week.
Words of advice
Your biggest writing challenge? Your best writing advice? Write them down on the Words of advice board! By sharing struggles or tips, we can inspire and help each other.
Coaching for students
How do you overcome writer's block? How do you get yourself into the right head space? How should you handle feedback from your professor? How can you get better at writing? When you are writing a thesis or graduation report, you can run into a lot of things. The best thing you can do is ask for help. Visit the writing coaches to find out how they can help you.
De Leiden Science Story
Become a co-author and contribute to our Leiden Science Story: a story we all write. How it works? Read the store written so far and add something of your own. The only rule: each co-author writes one sentence following on from what has already been written. This is how we write our community story together.
8 May - Poffertjes (Dutch mini-pancakes)
Fancy something sweet for lunch? Come and bring your colleagues or fellow students to enjoy some poffertjes (for free) together in the garden of the Gorlaeus Building between 12.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs. Poffertjes are very tiny pancakes and are a Dutch delicacy.
8 May - Mini lecture ‘It's all in the Rhythm’
Are you more rhythmic than a monkey? Michelle Spierings will update you in 15 minutes about how musical (or not) we, people, are. She will give her talk in the Atrium from 12:30 hrs to 12:45 hrs.
‘It's all in the Rhythm’
We are all musical, we've already got rhythm when we're born and can hear the beat in different types of music. But what about other animals? In this talk Michelle Spierings will show you how musical you are and how that compares to different animals.
9 May - Food truck Henk Patat
From 16.30 to 18.30 in the Gorlaeus garden Henk Patat (‘Henk Fries’) will sell fries and snacks, for 2 euros each.
If you participate in the pub quiz, make sure you get your food on time if you don't want to miss the first quiz round.
9 May - Beat the Professor PubQuiz
While enjoying a drink, you compete against students, employees and alumni in various rounds of trivia. Questions are not limited to the subject of (natural and exact) sciences, but can be about anything.
More information and registration
10 May - Visit the coolest place in the world: the measurement hall
Did you know that our measurement hall is the coldest en quietest place in the world? Utterly cool, right?
The researchers from the Tjerk Oosterkamp lab conduct ice-cold experiments on the state-of-the-art vibration-free plates, exploring the boundaries of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity of Mileva Marić and Einstein.
Between 12:30 and 13:30 the doors of the measurement hall are open and you can come in and take a look. You can get there via the atrium of the Gorlaeus building.
At the moment there are two setups: in one setup they try to get an object of 4 um in size in a superposition. And at the other they measure the gravity of very light objects by levitating a small magnet in a superconducting well. Because everything is done at milliKelvin temperatures, you cannot look into the setups, but the researchers are happy to show you images of what is happening!
11 May - Mini lecture ‘Scoring with Football Data’ - Snellius
Were you on the edge of your seat last year during the World Cup quarterfinals between the Netherlands and Argentina? The Dutch team managed to turn a 2 - 0 deficit into a tie but then lost during the penalties.
Take a look at this football match from a completely different perspective, from MI assistant professor Alexander Dürre's perspective, to be precise. He will demonstrate how different statistical methods can be used to understand the course of the match.
11 May - Super Mario Kart Battle
Always wanted to play Super Mario Kart on a really large screen? Well, you can now! Make a pit stop in the atrium near the video wall on Thursday 11 May between 17.00 hrs and 19.00 hrs to measure your racing skills with the rest of the faculty.
More info soon on the Super Mario Kart Battle page.