What’s up, Dyonisia & Chaeremon? Prof. Jakub Urbanik on Law-Application in the Roman Egypt and P. Oxy. II 237
- Prof. dr. Jakub Urbanik
- Date
- Friday 6 May 2022
- Time
- Explanation
- Preceded by drinks at 5 PM, at the department of Legal History, (Kamerlingh Onnes Building, A-wing, 3rd floor)
- Address
Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden - Room
- B0.13
Usually, the focus of a legal historian is on Rome. It is not difficult to make out why: the entire civilian tradition is built on Roman law. However, not even the Romans, acquired their laws through divine intervention, but have no doubt drawn inspiration from legal systems in other ancient civilisations, such as the Greeks and the Egyptians.
Therefore, it is about time to broaden our perspective and to discover some of the most ancient sources of law: often to be found in the papyri! On May 6th, we have the honour to welcome a renowned expert in this area: Jakub Urbanik, Professor of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity from the University of Warsaw!
By interpreting a specific legal text, Professor Urbanik will provide an introduction to the art of juristic papyrology. How to interpret the ancient texts? What do they tell us about the classical civilisations, and the role of the law in daily life? And how can differences between theory and practice be explained?
We gladly welcome you on this unique opportunity to study the original sources with expert guidance. The lecture will be given in English.
The lecture is preceded by drinks at 5 PM, at the department of Legal History, which is located on the third floor of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building (Leiden Law School), above the restaurant. At 6.15 PM, we will move to the ground floor for the lecture in room B.013. After the lecture we kindly invite you to dine with us in a nearby restaurant!