Universiteit Leiden

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Career Days FSW

Online Career Days FSW - Sustainability

Tuesday 1 February 2022 - Thursday 3 February 2022

Online Career Days Sustainability

From 1-3 February 2022 the Career Service FSW organises the online Career Days with the theme 'Sustainability'. During 3 days different workshops and presentations will be given by several Dutch and international alumni about their work in the sustainability sector, their career paths and how they look back on their time at the university.
Listen to their experiences, get useful tips and meet interesting organisations.

Students and alumni from all faculties are welcome at this event!


Date/time        Speakers NL/EN 
Tue 1-2-2022    
15.00-15.45                               Florian van Altena – Economic Policy Officer at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Alumnus Political Sciences)                                                                                          
15.45-16.30 Emma Meuleman - HR Advisor Strategy with focus on sustainability  + Environmental, Social and Corporate governance (ESG) at SHELL
(Alumna Master Social and Organizational Psychology)
All days   CV & LinkedIn profile checks by the Career Services  NL/EN 
Wed 2-2-2022     
13.30-15.00 Workshop CV & cover letter by Eva van der Meer Career Services  EN
16.30-17.15 Eva Schouten – Sustainability Consultant at The Terrace
(Alumna Cultural Anthropology)
All day  CV & LinkedIn - profile by the Career Services  NL/EN
Thur 3-2-2022    
15.00-15.45 Ruth Pasternak – Project leader Sustainable Education at SME
(Alumna Education and Child Studies)
15.45-16.30 Workshop Sustainable Volunteering - by Lotte Burgmeijer, Incluzio Leiden and Fair Future Generators  NL!
16:30-16:55 Emma van Bree  – Senior policy officer zero emissie (city)logistics at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and Municipal Council member for Groenlinks in Leiden
(Alumna Cultural Anthropology)

Chantal Blom – Environmental-Economic Researcher bij het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
(Alumna Master Social and Organizational Psychology)



All day CV & LinkedIn - profile checks by the Career Services  NL/EN

CV & LinkedIn profile checks

Different time slots during the day
Are you a student or graduate of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences? And would you like professional feedback on your CV and LinkedIn profile? Then sign up for these 10-minute online checks during the Career Days on Sustainability via the registration form. 

Submit your CV in pdf and/or add the url of your LinkedIn page!
After registration you will be informed on how you will be contacted.

Register here for this event!

Please note!
If the time slots are fully booked, please check for other CV/LinkedIn check options at the Career Service of your faculty!

Program description

Florian van Altena currently works as a diplomat at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kenya. His previous positions were in South Africa at the embassy in Pretoria, the consulate-general in Cape Town and as an economic policy officer at the Department of International Enterprise at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague. Florian has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science: International Relations and Organisations and a master’s degree in Business Administration: International Management.

From hippie child in Hawaii, to now working on sustainability topics at Shell, Emma has a wide range of experiences and expertise areas that she will share about during this conversation. She holds a masters in Social & Organizational Psychology from Leiden, and a Psychology bachelor from the University of California, Davis.
Curious how you could make an impact on today’s biggest issues? Come join the dialogue.

During her Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Bachelor, Eva started investigating the world behind our products. Simply looking at their labels didn’t really cut it. She started researching the social circumstances in a small-scale gold mine in Tanzania, the effect of certification in cocoa production in Ghana, and then started working as a Sustainability Consultant.

At The Terrace, she supports businesses to better understand the sustainability impact they have and helps them improve. Companies she works with are for instance Albert Heijn, The Port of Amsterdam and Danone. In 2021 Eva was awarded as one of the 100 Young Sustainable Leaders in The Netherlands, more about this you can read here. With our economy being highly connected, social and environmental sustainability needs to be looked at across borders and we need to understand human behaviors and power dynamics. This is what a social scientist brings to the table.

Join this talk and Q&A with Eva on Wednesday 2 Feb at 16.30 hrs to hear more.

This presentation will be in Dutch. You can find more information on the Dutch website.

Note! This workshop is in Dutch.

Wil jij op een toegankelijke manier ervaring opdoen met iets wat jij écht leuk vindt? Dan is vrijwillige inzet een slimme keuze! Lotte Burgmeijer van Leiden Vrijwilligerswerk, het ondersteunende platform voor vrijwilligers en organisaties in Leiden, vertelt jullie hier meer over in deze workshop. Wat is vrijwillige inzet, wat haal jij eruit, en wat zijn de mogelijkheden? Ook op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Ze neemt zelfs een heel toffe gastspreker mee van Milieudefensie en hun vrijwilligersproject Fair Future Generators. Met Fair Future Generators ga je de wereld verbeteren, en jezelf. Leer nieuwe vaardigheden en doe werkervaring op bij supertoffe organisaties in de milieu- en klimaatbeweging. Hoe? Ontdek het tijdens de workshop. Laat je inspireren en doe mee!

Neem alvast een kijkje op de sites: www.leidenvrijwilligerswerk.nl & Fair Future Generators: verbeter de wereld én jezelf — Milieudefensie

Kom naar de workshop met Lotte en Fair Future Generators op donderdag van 15.45-16.30 uur!

Note: this talk is in Dutch!

In my career, the most important goal is to have a positive impact on the world. That's why I work on the topic of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, as the way we move around currently has an enormous negative impact on our environment. I do this at different levels: at the ministry of Infrastructure and Waterstate, and at the Municipality of Leiden.

Join the talk and Q&A with Emma on Thursday from 16:30-16:55.

During the Master’s specialization Social and Organisational Psychology Chantal was an intern at the central bank of the Netherlands (DNB) at the department of governance, behaviour and culture. 

She was also the manager of Leiden University Green Office where she was supporting the university in becoming more sustainable. This led to her decision to also study the Master’s Industrial Ecology. Now she is conducting research on the cutting edge of the environment and economics at Statistics Netherlands. She works on projects commissioned by Eurostat and other external clients. The statistical information and data insights from Statistics Netherlands are used as input for social debates, policy development and decision-making.

Are you wondering what it is like to be an environmental-economic researcher/data scientist? Or do you have questions about your next steps? Then join the interactive session on Thursday 16:55-17:20 in which Chantal is happy to answer your questions.

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Follow @study_careersupportfsw to stay updated on all our activities, workshops and initiatives! We monthly post workshop overviews and share vacancies, career and study tips!

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