Universiteit Leiden

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Career and apply for jobs | Study support - Personal development

Zee van Mogelijkheden (NL/EN)

Make a personal travel plan for next academic year.

Thalia Thomassen  (Vaardigheidsdocent)
On-campus seminar with online preparation

At the end of your academic year, you have made important steps. You are a bit closer to graduating and it may help to start thinking about next year. During the Sea of Possibilities seminar, we look beyond the summer holidays: what awaits you next year in your studies and what choices do you want to make in your personal life? 

You visualize your travel plan in this module to see this period clearly in front of you. You may make your travel plan as lively as you like. This will help you learn to self-direct the choices ahead. The travel plan will also help you keep your goals in mind more easily in your daily life.

As accompanying preparation, you will answer self-reflection questions in your own online 'Learning My Way' portfolio. After the seminar, you can take advantage of a 1-to-1 coaching session. 

Please note that this seminar can count as a module of the ‘Personal Professional Skills Lab’ for FSW first-year students of IRO, Political Science, Psychology and Cultural Anthropology studies. 

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