Career and apply for jobs
Career College: Working in Education
Are you considering a job in education or are you curious what it means to work as a teacher or in an education related job? Then this Career College could help you gaining insight into the career opportunities related to education!
- Teacher
- Judith Hoogmoed (Study choice/career adviser)
- Method
During the Career College, a panel of speakers with an education related job will be present. In most cases panel members have a background in science and will talk about their careers and experiences. There will be the opportunity to discuss several topics with the panel members, such as:
- What exactly are the activities of a teacher? How does a normal day looks like?
- Which skills are necessary to be successful in the educational field? Could it be something for you?
- What is important for employers when applying for an educational position?
- How do you become a teacher?
Join the discussion and ask your questions about the opportunities and challenges of working in education.
It is with great pleasure to present the panel members who will be joining this event:
- Stefan van Ettinger: Teacher trainer and & Biology teacher at Coornhert Gymnasium, with an educational background in Biology
- Sebastiaan de Lavoir: PhD candidate and chemistry teacher at TU Delft/Wolfert Dalton with an educational background in Chemistry and Education
- Stefanie van den Steen: Chemistry teacher at Gymnasium Haganum, with an educational background in Chemistry and Education (ICLON)
- Iris de Nobel: Geography Teacher & Trainee in Onderwijs at Stanislascollege Westplantsoen, with an educational background in International Studies and Human Geography
The Career College will be concluded with presentations by ICLON (Lerarenopleiding) and Trainees in Education. This final part of the event will be in Dutch.
Who can apply?
This workshop is free of charge and available to all Bachelor and Master students and recent graduates of Leiden University.
Registration starts 4 weeks before the event and ends on the 30th of January at 09:00.